PHP code example of benkle / deviantart

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download benkle/deviantart library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


benkle / deviantart example snippets

use \SeinopSys\OAuth2\Client\Provider\DeviantArtProvider;

$provider = new DeviantArtProvider(
        'clientId'     => 'YOUR ID',
        'clientSecret' => 'YOUR SECRET',
        'redirectUri'  => 'YOUR REDIRECT URL',

// Must return an instance of \League\OAuth2\Client\Token\AccessToken or null
$accessToken = PROCURE_ACCESS_TOKEN();

use \Benkle\Deviantart\Api;

$api = new Api($provider, $accessToken);

use \Benkle\Deviantart\Exceptions\UnauthorizedException;

try {
    $scopes = [Api::SCOPE_BROWSE];
    // authorize() will refresh the token, if necessary, so you might want to write it back to storage.
    // You can access it via $api->getAccessToken()
} catch (UnauthorizedException $e) {
    // Here you can handle the initial user input for authorization.
    // The exception message has been replaced with the URL you need to call, so you can get it easily like this:
    $url = "$e";

    $api->authorize($scopes, $authCode);

try {
    /** @var \stdClass $result */
    $result = $api->browse()->getNewest();
} catch (ApiException $e) {
    // Handle API exception

use \Benkle\Deviantart\ApiRequestPart;

try {
    /** @var \stdClass $result */
        $result = $api
            ->submit('Test', 'A test', null, null,true)
            ->addPart(ApiRequestPart::from('test', fopen('/home/bizzl/test.txt', 'r'), 'test.txt'))
} catch (ApiException $e) {
    // Handle API exception