PHP code example of behat / common-contexts

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download behat/common-contexts library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


behat / common-contexts example snippets


namespace Acme\DemoBundle\Features\Context;

use Behat\Behat\Context\BehatContext;
use Behat\CommonContexts\SymfonyMailerContext;
use Behat\CommonContexts\DoctrineFixturesContext;

 * Feature context.
class FeatureContext extends BehatContext
    public function __construct()
        // To use SymfonyMailerContext in your steps
        $this->useContext('symfony_extra', new SymfonyMailerContext());

        // To use DoctrineFixturesContext in your steps
        $this->useContext('doctrine_fixtures_context', new DoctrineFixturesContext());

     * Example of using DoctrineFixturesContext in BeforeScenario hook
     * @BeforeScenario
    public function beforeScen()
        $loader = new Loader();

            ->loadFixtureClasses($loader, array(

        /** @var $em \Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager */
        $em = $this->kernel->getContainer()->get('doctrine.orm.entity_manager');

        $purger = new ORMPurger();
        $executor = new ORMExecutor($em, $purger);
        $executor->execute($loader->getFixtures(), true);


namespace Acme\DemoBundle\Features\Context;

use Behat\Behat\Context\BehatContext;
use Behat\CommonContexts\SymfonyDoctrineContext;

 * Feature context.
class FeatureContext extends BehatContext
    public function __construct()
        // Connects SymfonyDoctrineContext
        $this->useContext('symfony_doctrine_context',  new SymfonyDoctrineContext);

     * Clean database before scenario starts
     * @BeforeScenario
    public function beforeScenario($event)
        // Asks subcontext SymfonyDoctrineContext to rebuild database schema