PHP code example of bee-delivery / itpay

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download bee-delivery/itpay library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


bee-delivery / itpay example snippets

$cliente = [
    'Nome'                  => 'JOHN DOE',
    'Documento'             => '00000000000',
    'TipoPessoa'            => 1,
    'Email'                 => '[email protected]',
    'Endereco'              => [
        'CEP'               => '00000000',
        'Bairro'            => 'BAIRRO',
        'Logradouro'        => 'LOGRADOURO',
        'Numero'            => '123',
        'Complemento'       => ''
    'Telefones'             => [
            'Numero'        => '00900000000',
            'Tipo'          =>  4
    'Usuario'               => [
        'Nome'              => 'JOHN DOE',
        'Email'             => '[email protected]',
        'Senha'             => 'Senha123456789',
        'ConfirmacaoSenha'  => 'Senha123456789,
    'DataNascimento'        => '01/01/1990',
    'UrlNotificacao'        => '',
    'InscricaoEstadual'     => '',
    'InscricaoMunicipal'    => '',
    'Cupom'                 => 'cupom_fornecido_pague_veloz'

$response = PagueVeloz::cliente($email, $token)->criar($cliente);