PHP code example of beatswitch / lock

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download beatswitch/lock library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


beatswitch / lock example snippets

use BeatSwitch\Lock\Callers\Caller;

class User implements Caller
    public function getCallerType()
        return 'users';

    public function getCallerId()
        return $this->id;

    public function getCallerRoles()
        return ['editor', 'publisher'];

use BeatSwitch\Lock\Callers\Caller;

class Organization implements Caller
    public function getCallerType()
        return 'organizations';

    public function getCallerId()
        return $this->id;

    public function getCallerRoles()
        return ['enterprise'];

use \BeatSwitch\Lock\Drivers\ArrayDriver;
use \BeatSwitch\Lock\Lock;
use \BeatSwitch\Lock\Manager;

// Create a new Manager instance.
$manager = new Manager(new ArrayDriver());

// Instantiate a new Lock instance for an object which implements the Caller contract.
$lock = $manager->caller($caller);

// Set some permissions.
$lock->allow('create', 'events');

// Use the Lock instance to validate permissions on the given caller.
$lock->can('manage_settings'); // true: can manage settings
$lock->can('create', 'events'); // true: can create events
$lock->cannot('update', 'events'); // true: cannot update events
$lock->can('delete', 'events'); // false: cannot delete events

use BeatSwitch\Lock\Manager;

class UserManagementController extends BaseController
    protected $lockManager;

    public function __construct(Manager $lockManager)
        $this->lockManager = $lockManager;

    public function togglePermission()
        $userId = Input::get('user');
        $action = Input::get('action');
        $resource = Input::get('resource');

        $user = User::find($userId);

        $this->lockManager->caller($user)->toggle($action, $resource);

        return Redirect::route('user_management');


$lock->can('create'); // true

$lock->allow('create', 'posts');

$lock->can('create'); // false
$lock->can('create', 'posts'); // true

$lock->allow('edit', 'posts', 5);

$lock->can('edit'); // false
$lock->can('edit', 'posts'); // false
$lock->can('edit', 'posts', 5); // true

$lock->allow('edit', 'posts');
$lock->deny('edit', 'posts', 5);

$lock->can('edit', 'posts'); // true
$lock->can('edit', 'posts', 5); // false

$lock->can('create'); // true

$lock->can('create'); // false

$lock->allow(['create', 'edit'], 'posts');

$lock->can('create', 'posts'); // true
$lock->can(['create', 'edit'], 'posts'); // true
$lock->can(['create', 'delete'], 'posts'); // false

$lock->allow(['create', 'edit'], 'posts');

$lock->clear('edit', 'posts');

$lock->can('edit', 'posts'); // false
$lock->can('create', 'posts'); // true

$lock->allow(['create', 'edit'], 'users');


$lock->can('manage-posts'); // false
$lock->can('create', 'users'); // false

$lock->alias('manage', ['create', 'read', 'delete']);
$lock->allow('manage', 'posts');

$lock->can('manage', 'posts'); // true
$lock->can('create', 'posts'); // true
$lock->can('delete', 'posts', 1); // true
$lock->can('update', 'posts'); // false


$manager->setRole('user', 'guest'); // "user" will inherit all permissions from "guest"

$manager->setRole(['editor', 'admin'], 'user'); // "editor" and "admin" will inherit all permissions from "user".

// Allow a guest to read everything.
$manager->role('guest')->allow('guest', 'read');

// Allow a user to create posts.
$manager->role('user')->allow('create', 'posts');

// Allow an editor and admin to publish posts.
$manager->role('editor')->allow('publish', 'posts');
$manager->role('admin')->allow('publish', 'posts');

// Allow an admin to delete posts.
$manager->role('admin')->allow('delete', 'posts');

// Let's assume our caller has the role of "editor" and check some permissions.
$lock = $manager->caller($caller);
$lock->can('read'); // true
$lock->can('delete', 'posts'); // false
$lock->can('publish'); // false: we can't publish everything, just posts.
$lock->can(['create', 'publish'], 'posts'); // true

$manager->caller($caller)->allow('create', 'posts');

// Notice that we don't need to set the role in the
// manager first if we don't care about inheritance.
$manager->role('user')->deny('user', 'create', 'posts');

$manager->caller($caller)->can('create', 'posts'); // true: the user has explicit permission to create posts.

use BeatSwitch\Lock\Lock;
use BeatSwitch\Lock\Permissions\Condition;
use BeatSwitch\Lock\Permissions\Permission;
use BeatSwitch\Lock\Resources\Resource;
use Illuminate\Auth\AuthManager;

class LoggedInCondition implements Condition
     * The Laravel AuthManager instance
     * @var \Illuminate\Auth\AuthManager
    protected $auth;

     * @param \Illuminate\Auth\AuthManager $auth
    public function __construct(AuthManager $auth)
        $this->auth = $auth;

     * Assert if the condition is correct
     * @param \BeatSwitch\Lock\Lock $lock                         The current Lock instance that's being used
     * @param \BeatSwitch\Lock\Permissions\Permission $permission The Permission that's being checked
     * @param string $action                                      The action passed to the can or cannot method
     * @param \BeatSwitch\Lock\Resources\Resource|null $resource  The resource passed to the can or cannot method
     * @return bool
    public function assert(Lock $lock, Permission $permission, $action, Resource $resource = null)
        // Condition will succeed if the user is logged in.
        return $this->auth->check();

$condition = App::make('LoggedInCondition');

$lock->allow('create', 'posts', null, $condition);
$lock->can('create', 'posts'); // true if logged in, otherwise false.

$lock->allow('create', 'posts', null, [$falseCondition, $trueCondition]);
$lock->can('create', 'posts'); // false: there's at least one false condition

$lock->allow('create', 'posts', null, function ($lock, $permission, $action, $resource = null) {
    return false;
$lock->can('create', 'posts'); // false because the callback returns false.

$lock->allow('update', 'users', 1);
$lock->allow('update', 'users', 2);
$lock->allow('update', 'users', 3);
$lock->deny('update', 'users', 2);

$lock->allowed('update', 'users'); // Returns [1, 3];
$lock->denied('update', 'users'); // Returns [2];

use BeatSwitch\Lock\Callers\Caller;
use BeatSwitch\Lock\LockAware;

class Organization implements Caller
    use LockAware;

    public function getCallerType()
        return 'organizations';

    public function getCallerId()
        return $this->id;

    public function getCallerRoles()
        return ['enterprise'];


$caller->can('create', 'posts');
$caller->allow('edit', 'pages');

$caller = $manager->makeCallerLockAware($caller);

$role = $manager->makeRoleLockAware('guest');

use BeatSwitch\Lock\Callers\Caller;
use BeatSwitch\Lock\Drivers\Driver;
use BeatSwitch\Lock\Permissions\Permission;
use BeatSwitch\Lock\Permissions\PermissionFactory;
use BeatSwitch\Lock\Roles\Role;
use CallerPermission;
use RolePermission;

class EloquentDriver implements Driver
     * Returns all the permissions for a caller
     * @param \BeatSwitch\Lock\Callers\Caller $caller
     * @return \BeatSwitch\Lock\Permissions\Permission[]
    public function getCallerPermissions(Caller $caller)
        $permissions = CallerPermission::where('caller_type', $caller->getCallerType())
            ->where('caller_id', $caller->getCallerId())

        return PermissionFactory::createFromData($permissions->toArray());

     * Stores a new permission into the driver for a caller
     * @param \BeatSwitch\Lock\Callers\Caller $caller
     * @param \BeatSwitch\Lock\Permissions\Permission
     * @return void
    public function storeCallerPermission(Caller $caller, Permission $permission)
        $eloquentPermission = new CallerPermission;
        $eloquentPermission->caller_type = $caller->getCallerType();
        $eloquentPermission->caller_id = $caller->getCallerId();
        $eloquentPermission->type = $permission->getType();
        $eloquentPermission->action = $permission->getAction();
        $eloquentPermission->resource_type = $permission->getResourceType();
        $eloquentPermission->resource_id = $permission->getResourceId();

     * Removes a permission from the driver for a caller
     * @param \BeatSwitch\Lock\Callers\Caller $caller
     * @param \BeatSwitch\Lock\Permissions\Permission
     * @return void
    public function removeCallerPermission(Caller $caller, Permission $permission)
        CallerPermission::where('caller_type', $caller->getCallerType())
            ->where('caller_id', $caller->getCallerId())
            ->where('type', $permission->getType())
            ->where('action', $permission->getAction())
            ->where('resource_type', $permission->getResourceType())
            ->where('resource_id', $permission->getResourceId())

     * Checks if a permission is stored for a user
     * @param \BeatSwitch\Lock\Callers\Caller $caller
     * @param \BeatSwitch\Lock\Permissions\Permission
     * @return bool
    public function hasCallerPermission(Caller $caller, Permission $permission)
        return (bool) CallerPermission::where('caller_type', $caller->getCallerType())
            ->where('caller_id', $caller->getCallerId())
            ->where('type', $permission->getType())
            ->where('action', $permission->getAction())
            ->where('resource_type', $permission->getResourceType())
            ->where('resource_id', $permission->getResourceId())

     * Returns all the permissions for a role
     * @param \BeatSwitch\Lock\Roles\Role $role
     * @return \BeatSwitch\Lock\Permissions\Permission[]
    public function getRolePermissions(Role $role)
        $permissions = RolePermission::where('role', $role->getRoleName())->get();

        return PermissionFactory::createFromData($permissions->toArray());

     * Stores a new permission for a role
     * @param \BeatSwitch\Lock\Roles\Role $role
     * @param \BeatSwitch\Lock\Permissions\Permission
     * @return void
    public function storeRolePermission(Role $role, Permission $permission)
        $eloquentPermission = new RolePermission;
        $eloquentPermission->role = $role->getRoleName();
        $eloquentPermission->type = $permission->getType();
        $eloquentPermission->action = $permission->getAction();
        $eloquentPermission->resource_type = $permission->getResourceType();
        $eloquentPermission->resource_id = $permission->getResourceId();

     * Removes a permission for a role
     * @param \BeatSwitch\Lock\Roles\Role $role
     * @param \BeatSwitch\Lock\Permissions\Permission
     * @return void
    public function removeRolePermission(Role $role, Permission $permission)
        RolePermission::where('role', $role->getRoleName())
            ->where('type', $permission->getType())
            ->where('action', $permission->getAction())
            ->where('resource_type', $permission->getResourceType())
            ->where('resource_id', $permission->getResourceId())

     * Checks if a permission is stored for a role
     * @param \BeatSwitch\Lock\Roles\Role $role
     * @param \BeatSwitch\Lock\Permissions\Permission
     * @return bool
    public function hasRolePermission(Role $role, Permission $permission)
        return (bool) RolePermission::where('role', $role->getRoleName())
            ->where('type', $permission->getType())
            ->where('action', $permission->getAction())
            ->where('resource_type', $permission->getResourceType())
            ->where('resource_id', $permission->getResourceId())

use BeatSwitch\Lock\Tests\PersistentDriverTestCase;

class EloquentDriverTest extends PersistentDriverTestCase
    public function setUp()
        // Don't forget to reset your DB here.
        // Bootstrap your driver.
        $this->driver = new EloquentDriver();


    string|array $action,
    string|\BeatSwitch\Lock\Resources\Resource $resource = null,
    int $resourceId = null

    string|array $action,
    string|\BeatSwitch\Lock\Resources\Resource $resource = null,
    int $resourceId = null

    string|array $action,
    string|\BeatSwitch\Lock\Resources\Resource $resource = null,
    int $resourceId = null,
    \BeatSwitch\Lock\Permissions\Condition[] $conditions = []

    string|array $action,
    string|\BeatSwitch\Lock\Resources\Resource $resource = null,
    int $resourceId = null,
    \BeatSwitch\Lock\Permissions\Condition[] $conditions = []