1. Go to this page and download the library: Download bbs-lab/nova-permission library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
// config/permission.php
return [
'models' => [
* When using the "HasPermissions" trait from this package, we need to know which
* Eloquent model should be used to retrieve your permissions. Of course, it
* is often just the "Permission" model but you may use whatever you like.
* The model you want to use as a Permission model needs to implement the
* `BBSLab\NovaPermission\Contracts\Permission` contract.
'permission' => BBSLab\NovaPermission\Models\Permission::class,
* When using the "HasRoles" trait from this package, we need to know which
* Eloquent model should be used to retrieve your roles. Of course, it
* is often just the "Role" model but you may use whatever you like.
* The model you want to use as a Role model needs to implement the
* `BBSLab\NovaPermission\Contracts\Role` contract.
'role' => BBSLab\NovaPermission\Models\Role::class,
'table_names' => [
* When using the "HasRoles" trait from this package, we need to know which
* table should be used to retrieve your roles. We have chosen a basic
* default value but you may easily change it to any table you like.
'roles' => 'roles',
* When using the "HasPermissions" trait from this package, we need to know which
* table should be used to retrieve your permissions. We have chosen a basic
* default value but you may easily change it to any table you like.
'permissions' => 'permissions',
* When using the "HasPermissions" trait from this package, we need to know which
* table should be used to retrieve your models permissions. We have chosen a
* basic default value but you may easily change it to any table you like.
'model_has_permissions' => 'model_has_permissions',
* When using the "HasRoles" trait from this package, we need to know which
* table should be used to retrieve your models roles. We have chosen a
* basic default value but you may easily change it to any table you like.
'model_has_roles' => 'model_has_roles',
* When using the "HasRoles" trait from this package, we need to know which
* table should be used to retrieve your roles permissions. We have chosen a
* basic default value but you may easily change it to any table you like.
'role_has_permissions' => 'role_has_permissions',
'column_names' => [
* Change this if you want to name the related model primary key other than
* `model_id`.
* For example, this would be nice if your primary keys are all UUIDs. In
* that case, name this `model_uuid`.
'model_morph_key' => 'model_id',
* When set to true, the
// app/Providers/NovaServiceProvider.php
use BBSLab\NovaPermission\PermissionBuilder;
use Laravel\Nova\NovaApplicationServiceProvider;
class NovaServiceProvider extends NovaApplicationServiceProvider
// ..
public function tools()
return [
// ...
// You may add some access control
PermissionBuilder::make()->canSee(function ($request) {
return $request->user()->hasRole('admin');
namespace App\Nova;
use BBSLab\NovaPermission\Contracts\HasAbilities;
use BBSLab\NovaPermission\Concerns\Authorizable;
class Post extends Resource implements HasAbilities
use Authorizable;
public static $permissionsForAbilities = [
// 'policy action' => 'display name'
'create' => 'create post',
'name' => 'create post',
'group' => 'Post', // class basename of the model
'guard_name' => 'web', // the nova guard or default auth guard
namespace App\Policies;
use App\Models\Post;
use BBSLab\NovaPermission\Policies\Policy;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Access\Authorizable;
class PostPolicy extends Policy
protected function model(): string
return Post::class;
namespace App\Models;
use BBSLab\NovaPermission\Contracts\HasAuthorizations;
use BBSLab\NovaPermission\Traits\Authorizations;
class Post extends Model implements HasAuthorizations
use Authorizations;