PHP code example of baumrock / rockmigrations

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download baumrock/rockmigrations library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


baumrock / rockmigrations example snippets

// site/config.php
$config->rockmigrations = [
  "syncSnippets" => true,

// inside RockMatrix::init
$rm->watch($this, true, ['force'=>true]);

// module needs to be autoload!
public function init() {
  $rm = $this->wire->modules->get('RockMigrations');
  if($rm) $rm->watch($this);
public function migrate() {
  bd('Migrating MyModule...');

$rm->watch(__FILE__, false);

php site/modules/RockMigrations/migrate.php

$config->noMigrate = true;

$wire->addHookAfter("RockMigrations::migrationsDone", function(HookEvent $event) {
  /** @var RockMigrations $rm */
  $rm = $event->object;
  $rm->removeFieldFromTemplate('title', 'field-profilephoto');
  $rm->removeFieldFromTemplate('title', 'field-pressphoto');

// without authentication
$config->filesOnDemand = '';

// with http basic authentication
$config->filesOnDemand = 'https://user:[email protected]';



 namespace ProcessWire;
$rm->createField('foo', 'text');

// get YAML instance

// get array from YAML file

// save data to file
$rm->yaml('/path/to/file.yaml', ['foo'=>'bar']);

// syntax
$rm->wrapFields($form, $fields, $fieldset);

// usage
$wire->addHookAfter("ProcessPageEdit::buildForm", function($event) {
  $form = $event->return;

  /** @var RockMigrations $rm */
  $rm = $this->wire->modules->get('RockMigrations');
  $rm->wrapFields($form, [
    'title' => [
      // runtime settings for title field
      'columnWidth' => 50,
    // runtime field example
      'type' => 'markup',
      'label' => 'foo',
      'value' => 'bar',
      'columnWidth' => 50,
  ], [
    'label' => 'I am a new fieldset wrapper',

  'fields' => [
    'yourckefield' => [
      'type' => 'textarea',
      'tags' => 'MyTags',
      'inputfieldClass' => 'InputfieldCKEditor',
      'contentType' => FieldtypeTextarea::contentTypeHTML,
      'rows' => 5,
      'formatTags' => "h2;p;",
      'contentsCss' => "/site/templates/main.css?m=".time(),
      'stylesSet' => "mystyles:/site/templates/mystyles.js",
      'toggles' => [
        InputfieldCKEditor::toggleCleanDIV, // convert <div> to <p>
        InputfieldCKEditor::toggleCleanP, // remove empty paragraphs
        InputfieldCKEditor::toggleCleanNBSP, // remove &nbsp;

  'fields' => [
    'yourimagefield' => [
      'type' => 'image',
      'tags' => 'YourTags',
      'maxFiles' => 0,
      'descriptionRows' => 1,
      'extensions' => "jpg jpeg gif png svg",
      'okExtensions' => ['svg'],
      'icon' => 'picture-o',
      'outputFormat' => FieldtypeFile::outputFormatSingle,
      'maxSize' => 3, // max 3 megapixels

  'fields' => [
    'yourfilefield' => [
      'type' => 'file',
      'tags' => 'YourTags',
      'maxFiles' => 1,
      'descriptionRows' => 0,
      'extensions' => "pdf",
      'icon' => 'file-o',
      'outputFormat' => FieldtypeFile::outputFormatSingle,

  'fields' => [
    'yourfield' => [
      'type' => 'options',
      'tags' => 'YourTags',
      'label' => 'Options example',
      'options' => [
        1 => 'ONE|This is option one',
        2 => 'TWO',
        3 => 'THREE',

$rm->createField('demo_field', 'options', [
  'label' => 'Test Field',
  'label1020' => 'Test Feld',
  'type' => 'options',
  'optionsLang' => [
    'default' => [
      1 => 'VERYLOW|Very Low',
      2 => 'LOW|Low',
      3 => 'MIDDLE|Middle',
      4 => 'HIGH|High',
      5 => 'VERYHIGH|Very High',
    'de' => [
      1 => 'VERYLOW|Sehr niedrig',
      2 => 'LOW|Niedrig',
      3 => 'MIDDLE|Mittel',
      4 => 'HIGH|Hoch',
      5 => 'VERYHIGH|Sehr hoch',

  'fields' => [
    'yourfield' => [
      'type' => 'page',
      'label' => __('Select a page'),
      'tags' => 'YourModule',
      'derefAsPage' => FieldtypePage::derefAsPageArray,
      'inputfield' => 'InputfieldSelect',
      'findPagesSelector' => 'foo=bar',
      'labelFieldName' => 'title',

  'fields' => [
    'yourfield' => [
      'type' => 'datetime',
      'label' => __('Enter date'),
      'tags' => 'YourModule',
      'dateInputFormat' => 'j.n.y',
      'datepicker' => InputfieldDatetime::datepickerFocus,
      'defaultToday' => 1,

$rm->createRepeaterMatrixField('repeater_matrix_field_name', [
   'label' => 'Field Label',
   'tags' => 'your tags',
   'repeaterAddLabel' => 'Add New Block',
   'matrixItems' => [ // matrix types with their fields
       'type1' => [
           'label' => 'Type1',
           'fields' => [
               'title' => [
                   'label' => 'Custom Title',
                   'description' => 'Custom description',
                   ' array above