PHP code example of barygi / phpbu-laravel

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download barygi/phpbu-laravel library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


barygi / phpbu-laravel example snippets

'providers' => [
     * phpbu Backup Service Providers...

return [
    | laravel configuration
    | This is activated as long as you don't specify a phpbu
    | configuration file at the bottom.

    // no directories to backup
    // keep at least the empty array 'directories' => []

    'directories' => [
            'source' => [
                'path'    => storage_path('app'),
                'options' => [],
            'target' => [
                'dirname'     => storage_path('/backup/app'),
                'filename'    => 'app-%Y%m%d-%H%i.tar',
                'compression' => 'bzip2',
            'sync' => [
                'filesystem' => 's3',
                'path'       => '/backup/app',

    // no databases to backup
    // keep at least the empty array 'databases' => []

    'databases' => [
            'source' => [
                'connection' => 'mysql',
                'options'    => []
            'target' => [
                'dirname'     => storage_path('backup/db'),
                'filename'    => 'dump-%Y%m%d-%H%i.sql',
                'compression' => 'bzip2',
            'sync' => [
                'filesystem' => 's3',
                'path'       => '/backup/db',
    'config' => __FILE__,

    | phpbu configuration
    | Path to a phpbu configuration file.
    | You can use a phpbu.xml or phpbu.json configuration.
    | If you use one of those the configuration above will be ignored.
    | This is deactivated by default so you can setup your backup using
    | the configuration above

    'phpbu' => null,

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="phpbu\Laravel\ServiceProvider"