PHP code example of bandwidth-temp / iris

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download bandwidth-temp/iris library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


bandwidth-temp / iris example snippets

$client = new \Iris\Client($login, $password, ['url' => '']);

$account = new \Iris\Account($your_account_id, $client);

$sites = $account->sites();

$items = $sites->getList(); // Array(Site1, Site2)

echo json_encode($site->to_array());

$account->availableNumbers([ "areaCode" => "818" ]);

$account->availableNpaNxx(["state" => "CA"]);

$cities = new \Iris\Cities($client);
$items = $cities->getList(["state" => "NC"]);

$rcs = new Iris\CoveredRateCenters($client);
$rateCenters = $rcs->getList(["page" => 1, "size" => 10 ]);

$account->disnumbers(["areaCode" => "919"]);

$disconnect = $account->disconnects()->create([
    "name" => "test disconnect order 4",
    "CustomerOrderId" => "Disconnect1234",
    "DisconnectTelephoneNumberOrderType" => [
        "TelephoneNumberList" => [
            "TelephoneNumber" => [ "9192755378", "9192755703" ]

$disconnect = $account->disconnects()->disconnect("b902dee1-0585-4258-becd-5c7e51ccf5e1", true); // tnDetails: true

$disconnect->notes()->create([ "UserId" => "byo_dev", "Description" => "Test Note"]);

$items = $disconnect->notes()->getList();

$order_data = [
    "CustomerOrderId" => "123",
    "DldaTnGroups" => [
        "DldaTnGroup" => [
                "TelephoneNumbers" => [
                    "TelephoneNumber" => "4352154856"
                "AccountType" => "RESIDENTIAL",
                "ListingType" => "LISTED",
                "ListAddress" => "true",
                "ListingName" => [
                    "FirstName" => "FirstName",
                    "FirstName2" => "FirstName2",
                    "LastName" => "LastName",
                    "Designation" => "Designation",
                    "TitleOfLineage" => "TitleOfLineage",
                    "TitleOfAddress" => "TitleOfAddress",
                    "TitleOfAddress2" => "TitleOfAddress2",
                    "TitleOfLineageName2" => "TitleOfLineageName2",
                    "TitleOfAddressName2" => "TitleOfAddressName2",
                    "TitleOfAddress2Name2" => "TitleOfAddress2Name2",
                    "PlaceListingAs" => "PlaceListingAs",
                "Address" => [
                    "HousePrefix" => "HousePrefix",
                    "HouseNumber" => "915",
                    "HouseSuffix" => "HouseSuffix",
                    "PreDirectional" => "PreDirectional",
                    "StreetName" => "StreetName",
                    "StreetSuffix" => "StreetSuffix",
                    "PostDirectional" => "PostDirectional",
                    "AddressLine2" => "AddressLine2",
                    "City" => "City",
                    "StateCode" => "StateCode",
                    "Zip" => "Zip",
                    "PlusFour" => "PlusFour",
                    "Country" => "Country",
                    "AddressType" => "AddressType"

$dlda = $account->dldas()->create($order_data);

$dlda = $account->dldas()->dlda("7802373f-4f52-4387-bdd1-c5b74833d6e2");


$account->dldas()->getList(["telephoneNumber" => "9195551212"]);

$account->inserviceNumbers(["areaCode" => "919"]);

$order_data = [
    "LidbTnGroups" => [
        "LidbTnGroup" => [
                "TelephoneNumbers" => [
                    "TelephoneNumber" => "4352154856"
                "SubscriberInformation" => "Steve",
                "UseType" => "RESIDENTIAL",
                "Visibility" => "PUBLIC"
                "TelephoneNumbers" => [
                    "TelephoneNumber" => "4352154855"
                "SubscriberInformation" => "Steve",
                "UseType" => "RESIDENTIAL",
                "Visibility" => "PUBLIC"

$lidb = $account->lidbs()->create($order_data);

$lidb = $account->lidbs()->lidb("7802373f-4f52-4387-bdd1-c5b74833d6e2");

$lidbs = $account->lidbs()->getList(["lastModifiedAfter" => "mm-dd-yy", "telephoneNumber"=> "888"]);

$account->lnpChecker(["4109255199", "9196190594"], "true");

$order = $account->orders()->create([
    "Name" => "Available Telephone Number order",
    "SiteId" => "2297",
    "CustomerOrderId" => "123456789",
    "ExistingTelephoneNumberOrderType" => [
        "TelephoneNumberList" => [
            "TelephoneNumber" => [ "9193752369", "9193752720", "9193752648"]

$response = $account->orders()->order("f30a31a1-1de4-4939-b094-4521bbe5c8df", true); // tndetail=true
$order = $response->Order;

$items = $account->orders()->getList();

$order->notes()->create([ "UserId" => "byo_dev", "Description" => "Test Note"]);


$portin = $account->portins()->create(array(
    "BillingTelephoneNumber" => "6882015002",
    "Subscriber" => array(
        "SubscriberType" => "BUSINESS",
        "BusinessName" => "Acme Corporation",
        "ServiceAddress" => array(
            "HouseNumber" => "1623",
            "StreetName" => "Brockton Ave",
            "City" => "Los Angeles",
            "StateCode" => "CA",
            "Zip" => "90025",
            "Country" => "USA"
    "LoaAuthorizingPerson" => "John Doe",
    "ListOfPhoneNumbers" => array(
        "PhoneNumber" => array("9882015025", "9882015026")
    "SiteId" => "365",
    "Triggered" => "false"

$portin = $account->portins()->portin("d28b36f7-fa96-49eb-9556-a40fca49f7c6"));

$portins = $account->portins()->getList(["pon" => "a pon" ]);

$status = $portin->set_activation_status([
    "AutoActivationDate" => "2014-08-30T18:30:00+03:00"

$portin->list_loas(true); // metadata = true
$portin->loas_update("./1.txt", "1.txt");
$meta_new = array(
    "DocumentName" => "text.txt",
    "DocumentType" => "INVOICE"
$portin->set_metadata('test.txt', $meta_new);

$rc = new \Iris\RateCenter($client);
$cities = $rc->getList(["state" => "CA", "available" => "true"]);

$sippeer = $account->sippeers()->create(array(
        "PeerName" => "Test5 Peer",
        "IsDefaultPeer" => false,
        "ShortMessagingProtocol" => "SMPP",
        "VoiceHosts" => array(
            "Host" => array(
                "HostName" => ""
        "SmsHosts" => array(
            "Host" => array(
                "HostName" => ""
        "TerminationHosts" => array(
            "TerminationHost" => array(
                "HostName" => "",
                "Port" => 0,
                "CustomerTrafficAllowed" => "DOMESTIC",
                "DataAllowed" => true

$sippeer = $account->sippeers->sippeer("500651");

$sippeers = $account->sippeers()->getList();


$sippeer->movetns([ "FullNumber" => [ "9192000046", "9192000047", "9192000048" ]]);

$tns = $sippeer->tns()->getList();

$tn = $sippeer->tns()->tn("8183386251");

$count = $sippeer->totaltns();

    "FullNumber" => "8183386251",
    "CallForward" => "9194394706",
    "RewriteUser" => "JohnDoe",
    "NumberFormat" => "10digit",
    "RPIDFormat" => "e164"

$site = $account->sites()->create(
    array("Name" => "Test Site",
        "Address" => array(
            "City" => "Raleigh",
            "AddressType" => "Service",
            "HouseNumber" => "1",
            "StreetName" => "Avenue",
            "StateCode" => "NC"

$site->Name = "New Name";


$sites = $account->sites()->getList();

$site->orders()->getList(["status" => "disabled"]);


$site->portins()->getList(["status" => "disabled" ]);


$subscription = $account->subscriptions()->create([
    "OrderType" => "portins",
    "OrderId" => "98939562-90b0-40e9-8335-5526432d9741",
    "EmailSubscription" => [
        "Email" => "[email protected]",
        "DigestRequested" => "DAILY"

$subscription = $account->subscriptions()->subscription($id);

$account->subscriptions()->getList(["orderType" => "portins"]);

$subscription->OrderType = "portins";


$tns = new Iris\Tns(null, $client);
$tn = $tns->tn($id);

$tns = new Iris\Tns(null, $client);
$tns_items = $tns->getList(["page" => 1, "size" => 10 ]);

$tn = $tns->tn("7576768750");
$site = $tn->site();
$sippeer = $tn->sippeer();
$tnreservation = $tn->tnreservation();
$rc = $tn->ratecenter();
$lata = $tn->lata();
$lca = $tn->lca();

$resertation = $account->tnsreservations()->create(["ReservedTn" => "2512027430"]);

$resertation = $account->tnsreservations()->tnsreservation("0099ff73-da96-4303-8a0a-00ff316c07aa");

$resertation = $account->tnsreservations()->tnsreservation("0099ff73-da96-4303-8a0a-00ff316c07aa");
$ composer install
$ php phpunit.phar --bootstrap ./vendor/autoload.php tests/
$ cd examples
$ composer install
$ cp config.php.example config.php
php availableNumbers-sample.php