1. Go to this page and download the library: Download bakame/aide-error library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
bakame / aide-error example snippets
use Bakame\Aide\Error\Cloak;
//using the @ suppression operator
$res = @touch('/foo'); // bad and not recommended
//using error handler
set_error_handler(fn (int $errno, string $errstr, string $errfile = null, int $errline = null) {
if (!(error_reporting() & $errno)) {
// This error code is not ');
// returns a CloakedErrors instance
// the instance is empty on success
// otherwise contains all the \ErrorException
// generated during the closure execution
use Bakame\Aide\Error\Cloak;
Cloak::throwOnError(); // by default calls via Cloak should throw
if (!$touch = Cloak::warning(touch(...), Cloak::SILENT)) {
// errors are still available via the `errors` method
// but throwing will not happen
$touch = Cloak::all(touch(...));
$errors = $touch->errors(); // $errors is a CloakedErrors instance
$errors->isEmpty(); //true if the execution generated 0 ErrorException; false otherwise
foreach ($errors as $error) {
$error; //ErrorException instances ordered from the newest to the oldest one.
$errors->first(); // the oldest ErrorException
$errors->last(); // the newest ErrorException
// returns any of the ErrorException and accept negative index.
// the three (3) methods will return `null` if no exception
// exists for the specified offset
use Bakame\Aide\Error\Cloak;
Cloak::env(); // will use the current environment error reporting value
// and one for each error reporting level that exists in PHP
// some Error reporting will never get triggered
// they exist for completeness but won't be usable.
static method(Closure $callback, int $onError = Cloak::OBEY);
use Bakame\Aide\Error\Cloak;
$touch = new Cloak(
use Bakame\Aide\Error\Cloak;
use Bakame\Aide\Error\ReportingLevel;
$touch = new Cloak(
ReportingLevel::fromExclusion(E_NOTICE, E_STRICT, E_DEPRECATED),
use Bakame\Aide\Error\ReportingLevel;
ReportingLevel::warning()->value(); // returns the same value as E_WARNING.
ReportingLevel::userDeprecated()->value(); // returns the same value as E_USER_DEPRECATED.
// and so on for each error reporting level
use Bakame\Aide\Error\ReportingLevel;
// returns true if the current value in error_reporting contains `E_WARNING`
// returns false otherwise.
$reportingLevel = ReportingLevel::fromInclusion(E_NOTICE, "E_DEPRECATED");
// `value` returns the int value corresponding to the calculated error level.
// the errorLevel calculated will ignore notice, and deprecated error.
// returns all the error reporting level name no present in the current error Level
$touch = Cloak::all(touch(...));
$touch->reportingLevel()->contains(E_WARNING); //tells if the E_WARNING is
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