PHP code example of baidu-sdk / aip

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download baidu-sdk/aip library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


baidu-sdk / aip example snippets

AipBase.php 基类
AipBCEUtil.php 工具类
AipHttpClient.php 请求类
AipBodyAnalysis.php 人体关键点识别
AipContentCensor.php 内容识别
AipFace.php 人脸识别
AipImageCensor.php 黄反识别
AipImageClassify.php 图片识别类别
AipImageProcess.php 图片处理
AipImageSearch.php 图片搜索
AipKg.php	任务
AipNlp.php 语言处理
AipOcr.php OCR识别
AipSpeech.php 语音识别


namespace App\Helpers;

use Baidu\Aip\AipOcr;//引入相应的模块

class OCR

    protected $appId='';//APP_ID
    protected $apiKey='';//API_KEY
    protected $secretKey='';//SECRET_KEY

    public function build(){
        $client = new AipOcr($this->appId, $this->apiKey, $this->secretKey);//不同的模块不同的类,具体请参考文档
        $image = file_get_contents('./wepay.jpg');