PHP code example of backpack / theme-tabler

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download backpack/theme-tabler library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


backpack / theme-tabler example snippets

 * Possible values: horizontal, horizontal_dark, horizontal_overlap, vertical,
 * vertical_dark, vertical_transparent (legacy theme), right_vertical, right_vertical_dark, right_vertical_transparent
'layout' => 'horizontal_overlap',

'auth_layout' => 'default', //Possible values: default, illustration, cover

'styles' => [
 // add your css here

'scripts' => [],

'options' => [
    * The available color modes.
    'colorModes' => [
        'system' => 'la-desktop',
        'light' => 'la-sun',
        'dark' => 'la-moon',

     * The color mode used by default.
    'defaultColorMode' => 'system', // system, light, dark

     * When true, a switch is displayed to let admins choose their favorite theme mode.
     * When false, the theme will only use the "defaultColorMode" set above.
     * In case "defaultColorMode" is null, system is the default.
    'showColorModeSwitcher' => true,

     * Fix the top-header component (present in "vertical_transparent") and the menu when the layout type is set as "horizontal".
     * This value is skipped when the layout type is horizontal-overlap, using false as default.
    'useStickyHeader' => false,

     * When true, the content area will take the whole screen width.
    'useFluidContainers' => false,

     * When true, the sidebar content for vertical layouts will not scroll with the rest of the content.
    'sidebarFixed' => false,

     * When true, horizontal layouts will display the classic top bar on top to free some space when multiple nav items are used.
    'doubleTopBarInHorizontalLayouts' => false,

      * When true, the password input will have a toggle button to show/hide the password.
    'showPasswordVisibilityToggler' => true,

php artisan backpack:
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="theme-tabler-config"