PHP code example of backboneit / contao-selectri

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download backboneit/contao-selectri library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


backboneit / contao-selectri example snippets

$GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_mydca']['fields']['mySelectriField'] = array(
	'inputType' => 'selectri',
	'eval' => array(
    	// all values are the defaults
		'min'				=> 0,			// the selection can be empty
		'max'				=> 1,			// let the user select not more than 1 item
		'searchLimit'		=> 20,			// max search results
		'findInSet'			=> false,		// dont use csv
		'additionalInput'	=> false,		// no additional inputs via node content callback is injected
		'sort'				=> 'list',
		'height'			=> 'auto',		// the height of the tree widget
		'tl_class'			=> 'clr',		// some css-classes,
		'class'				=> '',			// use "radio" or "checkbox" to replace the icons
		'data'				=> 'SelectriContaoTableDataFactory', // the data factory class to use
		'treeTable'			=> 'tl_page',	// a DB-table containing the tree structure (Contao-like adjacency list)
		'mode'				=> 'all',		// which nodes are selectable: "all", "leaf", "inner"

$data = SelectriContaoTableDataFactory::create();

// use the tl_page table for the tree structure

// show all nodes

// search the title and pageTitle column
$data->getConfig()->setTreeSearchColumns(array('title', 'pageTitle'));

// only show nodes matching the condition
$data->getConfig()->setTreeConditionExpr('type = \'regular\' AND tstamp > 0');

// only let the user select nodes matching the condition
$data->getConfig()->setSelectableExpr('hide <> \'1\'');

// for more parameters see the factory class and the underlaying config class

$GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_mydca']['fields']['mySelectriField'] = array(
	'inputType' => 'selectri',
	'eval' => array(
		'min'			=> 0,
		'max'			=> 1,
		'searchLimit'	=> 20,
		'tl_class'		=> 'clr',
		'class'			=> 'checkbox',
		// assign your preconfigured factory instance to the widgets configuration
		'data'			=> $data,