PHP code example of azreqat / laravel-payfort

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download azreqat/laravel-payfort library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


azreqat / laravel-payfort example snippets

return [
     * Defines wether to activate the Payfort sandbox enviroment or not.
    'sandbox' => env('PAYFORT_USE_SANDBOX', false),

     * The Payfort merchant account identifier.
    'merchant_identifier' => env('PAYFORT_MERCHANT_IDENTIFIER'),

     * The Payfort account access code.
    'access_code' => env('PAYFORT_ACCESS_CODE'),

     * The Payfort account sha type (sha256/sha512).
    'sha_type' => env('PAYFORT_SHA_TYPE', 'sha256'),

     * The Payfort account sha request phrase.
    'sha_request_phrase' => env('PAYFORT_SHA_REQUEST_PHRASE'),

     * The Payfort account sha response phrase.
    'sha_response_phrase' => env('PAYFORT_SHA_RESPONSE_PHRASE'),

     * The default currency for you app. Currency ISO code 3.
    'currency' => env('PAYFORT_CURRENCY', 'USD'),

     * The URL to return after submitting Payfort forms.
    'return_url' => env('PAYFORT_RETURN_URL', '/')

return Payfort::redirection()->displayRedirectionPage([
    'command' => 'AUTHORIZATION',              # AUTHORIZATION/PURCHASE according to your operation.
    'merchant_reference' => 'ORDR.34562134',   # You reference id for this operation (Order id for example).
    'amount' => 100,                           # The operation amount.
    'currency' => 'QAR',                       # Optional if you need to use another currenct than set in config.
    'customer_email' => '[email protected]'  # Customer email.

return Payfort::redirection()->displayTokenizationPage([
    'merchant_reference' => 'ORDR.34562134',   # You reference id for this operation (Order id for example).
php artisan vendor:publish --provider "LaravelPayfort\Providers\PayfortServiceProvider"

use LaravelPayfort\Traits\PayfortResponse as PayfortResponse;

class PayfortOrdersController extends Controller{
    use PayfortResponse;
    public function processReturn(Request $request){
        $payfort_return = $this->handlePayfortCallback($request);
        # Here you can process the response and make your decision.
        # The response structure is as described in payfort documentation