PHP code example of ayvazyan10 / armsoft

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download ayvazyan10/armsoft library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


ayvazyan10 / armsoft example snippets

` bash
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Ayvazyan10\ArmSoft\ArmSoftServiceProvider"
` php
// getGoods
final public function getGoods(string $date = null): ?array { /*...*/ }

// getGoodsRem
final public function getGoodsRem(string $date = null, string $mtcode = null): ?array { /*...*/ }

// getPrices
final public function getPrices(string $date = null, string $mtcode = null, string $pricetypes = null): ?array { /*...*/ }

// getDocumentsJournal
final public function getDocumentsJournal(string $dateBegin = null, string $dateEnd = null): ?array { /*...*/ }

// getMTbill
final public function getMTbill(mixed $guid): mixed { /*...*/ }

// setMTbill
final public function setMTbill(array $data): mixed { /*...*/ }
` php
    // in your controller or anywhere else
    // in this example we using helper
     * Products Import from ArmSoft API.
     * @throws Exception
    public function importGoods()
        $items = armsoft()->getGoods(now()->format('Y-m-d'));

        if (count($items["rows"]) === 0) {
            throw new Exception('ArmSoft API error: no products');

        foreach ($items["rows"] as $key => $item) {
            if (((int)$key + 1) % 2 === 0) {

            $priceRequest = armsoft()->getPrices(null, $item["MTCode"], config('armsoft.PriceType', '02'));
            $price = !empty(current($priceRequest["rows"])["Price"]) ? current($priceRequest["rows"])["Price"] : 0;

            $stockRequest = armsoft()->getGoodsRem(null, $item["MTCode"]);
            $stock = !empty(current($stockRequest["rows"])["Qty"]) ? current($stockRequest["rows"])["Qty"] : 0;

            $productData = [
                'armsoft_title' => $item["FullCaption"]    
                'category_id' => $item["Group"],
                'MTCode' => $item["MTCode"],
                'discount' => $item["Discount"],
                'stock' => intval($stock),
                'price' => $price
                // ... fields

            try {
                YourModel::where('MTCode', $item["MTCode"])->updateOrCreate([
                    'MTCode' => $item["MTCode"]
                ], $productData);
            } catch (Exception $e) {
                return $e->getMessage();

        return redirect()->back();