PHP code example of axy / syspaths

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download axy/syspaths library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


axy / syspaths example snippets

/* App init. __DIR__ is /www/example.loc */
use axy\syspaths\Paths;

$paths = new Paths(__DIR__, [
    'htdocs' => 'www',
    'source' => 'src',
    'templates' => 'templates',

/* Further */

$tplFN = $app->paths->templates.'/default.twig'; // /www/example.loc/templates/default.twig

 * @property-read string $www
 * @property-read string $templates
class MyPaths extends Paths
    protected $patterns = [
        'htdocs' => 'www',
        'templates' => 'templates',

$paths->templates; // /www/example.loc/templates
$paths->root; // /www/example.loc

isset($paths->htdocs); // TRUE

$paths->htdocs = 'new-www'; // Exception: Paths is read-only

    'www' => 'www',
    'images' => ':www:/i',
    'icons' => ':images:/icons',
    'logo' => ':icons:/logo.gif',
    'tmp' => '/tmp',

$paths->icons; // /www/example.loc/www/i/icons/logo.gif

$paths->tmp; // /tmp

    'htdocs' => 'www',
    'templates' => [
        'root' => 'templates',
        'layouts' => 'layouts',
        'admin' => ':layouts:/admin',
        'profile' => ':admin:/profile.twig',

$paths->templates->profile; // /www/example.loc/templates/layouts/admin/profile.twig

$paths->templates.'/mails'; // /www/example.loc/templates/mails

 * @property-read string $htdocs
 * @property-read TemplatesPaths $templates
class MyPaths extends Paths
    $patterns = [
        'htdocs' => 'www',
        'templates' => [
            'root' => 'templates',
            '__classname' => 'TemplatesPaths',

 * @property-read string $layout
 * @property-read string $admin
 * @property-read string $profile
class TemplatesPaths extends Paths
    $patterns = [
        'layouts' => 'layouts',
        'admin' => ':layouts:/admin',
        'profile' => ':admin:/profile.twig',    

    'templates' => [
        'root' => 'templates',
        'layouts' => 'layouts',
        'admin' => ':layouts:/admin',
    'profileTemplate' => ':templates.admin:/profile.twig',

