PHP code example of axn / laravel-extension

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download axn/laravel-extension library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


axn / laravel-extension example snippets

return app_env_enum();
// enum AppEnv

echo app_env_name();
// 'prod', 'preprod', 'test', 'local' or 'unknown'

     * Create a Carbon instance from a date string, a DateTime instance or a timestamp.
     * @param  \DateTime|int|string|null $date
     * @param  string|null $fromFormat
     * @param  \DateTimeZone|string|null $tz
     * @return \Illuminate\Support\Carbon
     * */
    function carbon($date = null, $fromFormat = null, $tz = null)

use Axn\ToolKit\Enums\AppEnv;

$date = Carbon::now();
$date = Carbon::now('Europe/Paris');
$date = Carbon::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i', '2018-06-18 09:30');
$date = Carbon::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i', '2018-06-18 09:30', 'Europe/Paris');
$date = new Carbon('Thursday, June 18 2015 9:30:00');
$date = new Carbon('Thursday, June 18 2015 9:30:00', 'Europe/Paris');
$date = Carbon::createFromTimestamp(1434619800)

$date = carbon();
$date = carbon(tz: 'Europe/Paris');
$date = carbon('2018-06-18 09:30', 'Y-m-d H:i');
$date = carbon('2018-06-18 09:30', 'Y-m-d H:i', 'Europe/Paris');
$date = carbon('Thursday, June 18 2015 9:30:00');
$date = carbon('Thursday, June 18 2015 9:30:00', tz: 'Europe/Paris');
$date = carbon(1434619800)
$date = carbon(1434619800, tz: 'Europe/Paris')

     * Create an Eloquent collection of Eloquent models.
     * @param  array $models
     * @return EloquentCollection
    function collect_models(array $models)

$str = '<a>An HTML string</p>';

$htmlString = str_html($str);

// Alias of

$htmlString = new Illuminate\Support\HtmlStringHtmlString($str);

$str = "a text with \n new lines \n\n again \n\n\n and again";

// <p>a text with <br> new lines </p><p> again </p><p> and again</p>

$str = "a text with \n new lines \n\n again \n\n\n and again";

// a text with <br> new lines <br><br> again <br><br><br> and again

$number = '123456789.101112';

$numberFormated = number_formated($number, 2);

// fr: 123 456 789,10
// en: 123,456,789.10

$number = '1.75';

$time = compute_dec_to_time($number);

// [
//    'hours' => 1.0,
//    'minutes' => 45.0,
//    'seconds' => 0,
// ]

$number = '1.75';

$time = convert_dec_to_time($number);
// 01:45:00

$time = convert_dec_to_time($number, '%sh%s');
// 01h45

$time = convert_dec_to_time($number, '%2$s:%3$s');
// 45:00

$size = human_readable_bytes_size(2048);
// fr: 2 ko
// en: 2 kB

$size = human_readable_bytes_size(2048*1024);
// fr: 2 Mo
// en: 2 MB

$size = human_readable_bytes_size(2048*1024*10000, 2);
// fr: 19,53 Go
// en: 19.53 GB

$phpVersion = "8.2.14";
$phpVersionId = semver_to_id($phpVersion);
// 80214

$laravelVersion = " 10.38.2";
$laravelVersionId = semver_to_id($laravelVersion);
// 103802

use Axn\ToolKit\Enums\AppEnv;


use Axn\ToolKit\Enums\AppEnv;

$appEnv = AppEnv::from('pre-prod'); // AppEnv::preprod

$appEnv = AppEnv::from(app()->environment()); // enum AppEnv

use Axn\ToolKit\Enums\AppEnv;

$appEnv = AppEnv::name('pre-prod'); // 'preprod'

$appEnv = AppEnv::name(app()->environment()); // one of enum cases ('prod', 'preprod', 'test', 'local' or 'unknown')

use Axn\ToolKit\Enums\AppEnv;

AppEnv::isProd('pre-prod'); // false
AppEnv::isPreprod('pre-prod'); // true
AppEnv::isTest('pre-prod'); // false
AppEnv::isLocal('pre-prod'); // false

if (AppEnv::isProd(app()->environment())) {
    // do something in "prod"

use Axn\ToolKit\Enums\AppEnv;

AppEnv::isNotProd('pre-prod'); // true
AppEnv::isNotPreprod('pre-prod'); // false
AppEnv::isNotTest('pre-prod'); // true
AppEnv::isNotLocal('pre-prod'); // true

use Axn\ToolKit\Enums\Civilities;

AppEnv::prodNames(); // ['prod', 'production']
AppEnv::preprodNames(); // ['preprod', 'pre-prod', 'preproduction', 'pre-production']
AppEnv::testNames(); // ['test', 'tests', 'testing', 'stage', 'staging']
AppEnv::localNames(); // ['local', 'develop', 'dev']

// @todo: need to document this