PHP code example of axebear / php-magic

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download axebear/php-magic library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


axebear / php-magic example snippets

use AxeBear\Magic\Traits\MagicProperties;
use AxeBear\Magic\Traits\OverloadedMethods;
use AxeBear\Magic\Attributes\Overloaded;

 * This example class shows how class comments
 * can be used to define magic properties and methods.
 * @property string $name
 * @method self name(string $name)
 * @property int $count
 * @method self count(int $count)
 * @property string $repeatedName
 * @method void update(...$args)
class Model {
  use MagicProperties;
  use OverloadedMethods;

  public function updateFromArray(array $data): void {
    $this->name ??= $data['name'] ?? null;
    $this->count ??= $data['count'] ?? null;

  public function updateFromValues(string $name, int $count): void {
    $this->name = $name;
    $this->count = $count;

  public function repeatedName(string $name, int $count): string {
    return str_repeat($name, $count);

$model = new Model();
$model->name('Axe Bear')->count(1);
$model->update(['name' => 'Axe', 'count' => 2]);
$model->update('Bear', 2);
echo $model->name; // Bear
echo $model->count; // 2
echo $model->repeatedName; // BearBear

public __get(string $name): mixed

public __set(string $name, mixed $value): void

public __call(string $name, array $arguments): mixed

 * @property string $name
 * @property int $count
class Model {
  use MagicProperties;

$model = new Model();

$model->name = 'ernst';
echo $model->name; // ernst

$model->count = 5;
echo $model->count; // 5

// Simple type coercion is applied based on the type hint in the property tag.
$model->count = '6';
echo $model->count; // 6

 * @property-read string $defaultName
 * @property-write string $newName
class Model {
  use MagicProperties;

  protected string $defaultName = 'leonora';

  protected string $newName;

$model = new Model();
echo $model->defaultName; // leonora
$model->newName = 'ernst';

 * @property string $name
 * @property int $count
 * @property-read string $repeatedName
class Model {
  use MagicProperties;

  protected string $name;

  protected int $count;

  protected function repeatedName(string $name, int $count): string
    return str_repeat($name, $count);

$model = new Model();
$model->name = 'ernst';
$model->count = 3;
echo $model->repeatedName; // ernsternsternst

 * @property string $message
class Model {
  use MagicProperties;

  #[MagicProperty(onSet: ['encode'], onGet: ['decode'])]
  protected string $message;

  protected function encode(string $value): string
      return base64_encode($value);

  protected function decode(string $value): string
      return base64_decode($value);
$model = new Model();
$model->message = 'ernst';
echo $model->message; // ernst
echo $model->getRawValue('message'); // ZXJuc3Q=

 * @method string name()
 * @method self name(string $name)
class Model {
  use MagicProperties;

$model = new Model();
echo $model->name(); // ernst

class Model {
  public function find(...$args) {
    if (count($args) === 1 && is_int($args[0])) {
      return $this->findById($args[0]);
    if (count($args) === 1 && is_string($args[0])) {
      return $this->findBySlug($args[0]);
    if (count($args) === 2 && is_string($args[0]) && is_int($args[1])) {
      return $this->findBySlugAndId($args[0], $args[1]);

    throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid arguments');

  protected function findById(int $id) {
    return "id: $id";

  protected function findBySlug(string $slug) {
    return "slug: $slug";

  protected function findBySlugAndId(string $slug, int $id) {
    return "slug: $slug, id: $id";

use AxeBear\Magic\Attributes\Overloaded;
use AxeBear\Magic\Traits\OverloadedMethods;

 * @method string find(...$args)
class Model {
  use OverloadedMethods;

  protected function findById(int $id) {
    return "id: $id";

  protected function findBySlug(string $slug) {
    return "slug: $slug";

  protected function findBySlugAndId(string $slug, int $id) {
    return "slug: $slug, id: $id";