PHP code example of awesomite / error-dumper

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download awesomite/error-dumper library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


awesomite / error-dumper example snippets

use Awesomite\ErrorDumper\Handlers\ErrorHandler;
use Awesomite\ErrorDumper\Listeners\OnExceptionCallable;
use Awesomite\ErrorDumper\Listeners\OnExceptionDevView;
use Awesomite\ErrorDumper\Views\ViewFactory;

 * Create new error handler.
 * If $mode is null will be used default value E_ALL | E_STRICT.
 * @see
$handler = new ErrorHandler(/* optional $mode = null */);

 * Create and push new error listener,
 * this handler will print programmer-friendly stack trace.
$devViewListener = new OnExceptionDevView(ViewFactory::create());

 * Create and push new custom error listener.
$handler->pushListener(new OnExceptionCallable(function ($exception) {
    // do something with $exception

 * Create and push new custom error listener,
 * this handler will be used only when $exception is instance of \RuntimeException.
$handler->pushListener(new OnExceptionCallable(function (\RuntimeException $exception) {
    // do something with $exception

 * Exit script when error has been detected after executing all listeners.

 * Register error handler.
 * Possible types:
 *   - ErrorHandler::TYPE_ERROR
 *   - ErrorHandler::TYPE_EXCEPTION
 *   - ErrorHandler::TYPE_FATAL_ERROR
$handler->register(/* optional bitmask $types = ErrorHandler::TYPE_ALL */);