PHP code example of awesomite / chariot

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download awesomite/chariot library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


awesomite / chariot example snippets

/** @var Awesomite\Chariot\RouterInterface $router */
echo $router->linkTo('showArticle')->withParam('id', 5);

use Awesomite\Chariot\Pattern\PatternRouter;
use Awesomite\Chariot\HttpMethods;
use Awesomite\Chariot\Exceptions\HttpException;

$router = PatternRouter::createDefault();
$router->addRoute(HttpMethods::METHOD_GET, '/', 'home');

$method = 'GET';
$path = '/';

try {
    $route = $router->match($method, $path);
    $handler = $route->getHandler();
    echo $handler, "\n";
} catch (HttpException $exception) {
    echo $exception->getMessage(), "\n";
    // code can be equal to 404 or 405
    if ($exception->getCode() === HttpException::HTTP_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED) {
        echo 'Allow: ', implode(', ', $router->getAllowedMethods($path)), "\n";   

use Awesomite\Chariot\Pattern\PatternRouter;
use Awesomite\Chariot\HttpMethods;

$router = PatternRouter::createDefault();
$router->addRoute(HttpMethods::METHOD_GET, '/category-{{ category :int }}', 'showCategory');

echo $router->linkTo('showCategory')->withParam('category', 5), "\n";
 * Output:
 * /category-5 

$router->get('/category-{{ id :uint }}', 'showCategory');

    ->get('/fantasy', 'showCategory', ['id' => 1])
    ->get('/comedy', 'showCategory', ['id' => 2]);

use Awesomite\Chariot\Pattern\PatternRouter;

$router = PatternRouter::createDefault();
$router->get('/show-first-page', 'showPage', [
    'page' => 1,
$router->get('/page-{{ page :uint }}', 'showPage');

$route = $router->match('GET', '/show-first-page');
echo $route->getHandler(), "\n";
 * Output:
 * showPage
 * array(1) {
 *   'page' =>
 *   int(1)
 * }

echo $router->linkTo('showPage')->withParam('page', 1), "\n"; // /show-first-page
echo $router->linkTo('showPage')->withParam('page', 2), "\n"; // /page-2
 * Output:
 * /show-first-page
 * /page-2

use Awesomite\Chariot\Pattern\PatternRouter;

class RouterFactory
    private $cacheFile;

    public function __construct(string $cacheFile)
        $this->cacheFile = $cacheFile;

    public function rebuildRouter()
        $router = $this->createRouter();
        file_put_contents($this->cacheFile, ' return ' . $router->exportToExecutable() . ';');

    public function getRouter(): PatternRouter
        return ();
// decorators are not cacheable, you must add them each time
// $router->addParamDecorator(new MyParamDecorator());

use Awesomite\Chariot\Pattern\PatternRouter;
use Awesomite\Chariot\Pattern\Patterns;

$categories = [

$router = new PatternRouter(new Patterns());
    ->addPattern(':date', '[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}')
    ->addEnumPattern(':category', $categories);

$router->get('/day-{{ date :date }}', 'showDay');
$route = $router->match('GET', '/day-2017-01-01');
echo $route->getParams()['date'], "\n"; // 2017-01-01

$router->get('/category-{{ category :category }}', 'showCategory');
$route = $router->match('GET', '/category-comedy');
echo $route->getParams()['category'], "\n"; // comedy

use Awesomite\Chariot\Pattern\PatternRouter;
use Awesomite\Chariot\Exceptions\HttpException;
use Awesomite\Chariot\Exceptions\CannotGenerateLinkException;

$router = PatternRouter::createDefault();
$router->get('/category-{{ categoryId :int }}', 'showCategory');

 * The following code displays "Error 404"
try {
    $route = $router->match('GET', '/category-books');
    echo "Handler:\n", $route->getHandler(), "\n";
    echo "Params:\n";
} catch (HttpException $exception) {
    echo 'Error ', $exception->getCode(), "\n";

 * The following code displays "Cannot generate link"
try {
    echo $router->linkTo('showCategory')->withParam('categoryId', 'books')->toString(), "\n";
} catch (CannotGenerateLinkException $exception) {
    echo "Cannot generate link\n";

use Awesomite\Chariot\Pattern\PatternRouter;

$router = PatternRouter::createDefault();
$router->get('/articles/{{ page :uint 1 }}', 'articles');
echo $router->linkTo('articles'), "\n";
echo $router->linkTo('articles')->withParam('page', 2), "\n";

 * Output:
 * /articles/1
 * /articles/2

use Awesomite\Chariot\Pattern\PatternInterface;
use Awesomite\Chariot\Pattern\PatternRouter;
use Awesomite\Chariot\Pattern\Patterns;
use Awesomite\Chariot\Pattern\StdPatterns\DatePattern;

$router = new PatternRouter(new Patterns());
 * Passed object to method addPattern() must implement interface PatternInterface
$router->getPatterns()->addPattern(':date', new DatePattern());
$router->get('/day/{{ day :date }}', 'showDay');
echo $router->linkTo('showDay')->withParam('day', new \DateTime('2017-07-07')), "\n";

 * Output:
 * /day/2017-07-07

use Awesomite\Chariot\ParamDecorators\ParamDecoratorInterface;
use Awesomite\Chariot\Pattern\PatternRouter;
use Awesomite\Chariot\ParamDecorators\ContextInterface;

class TitleProvider implements ParamDecoratorInterface
    private $mapping;
    public function __construct(array $mapping)
        $this->mapping = $mapping;

    public function decorate(ContextInterface $context)
        if ('showItem' !== $context->getHandler()) {
        $id = $context->getParams()['id'] ?? null;
        $title = $this->mapping[$id] ?? null;
        if (null !== $title) {
            $context->setParam('title', $title);

$titleMapping = [
    1 => 'my-first-item',
    2 => 'my-second-item',
    3 => 'my-third-item',
$router = PatternRouter::createDefault();
$router->get('/items/{{ id :int }}-{{ title }}', 'showItem');

 * Error, because title is not defined
echo 'Without provider: ';
echo $router->linkTo('showItem')->withParam('id', 1), PHP_EOL;

 * Valid URL, because title will be provided automatically
$router->addParamDecorator(new TitleProvider($titleMapping));
echo 'With provider: ';
echo $router->linkTo('showItem')->withParam('id', 1), PHP_EOL;

 * Output:
 * Without provider: __ERROR_CANNOT_GENERATE_LINK
 * With provider: /items/1-my-first-item
git clone --depth 1 [email protected]:awesomite/chariot.git
cd chariot
composer update
php speedtest/console.php test-links