PHP code example of awd-studio / service-buses

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download awd-studio/service-buses library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


awd-studio / service-buses example snippets

class MyMessage {}

interface MessageInterface {}

abstract class ParentMessage {}

final class MyMessage extends ParentMessage implements MessageInterface {}

use AwdStudio\Bus\Handler\InMemoryHandlerLocator;

$handlers = new InMemoryHandlerLocator();

// To assign a handler we can call a method `add`.
// As a "messageId" we send the FCQN of a message that we assign on.
// A handler must be any callable PHP-item. 
$handlers->add(\stdClass::class, static function (\stdClass $message): void {});

// Now, we've got a handler that handles a message of type "stdClass".
// But, we can add more than one handler per message. 
// Actually, it's not limited, but keep in mind the patterns
// such Command-bus or Query-bus that suppose to use the only one handler
// per a message that they handle.
// So, we can add more handlers to same message, for example a callable object:
$handler = new class {
    public function __invoke(\stdClass $message): void {}
$handlers->add(\stdClass::class, $handler);

// So now, we have 2 handlers that are going to be released 
// when somebody tries get them:

// To check if there are some handlers for certain message 
// there is a method `has`:
$handlers->has(\stdClass::class); // true|false

use AwdStudio\Bus\Handler\InMemoryHandlerLocator;

// We need to use a handler locator, from which a bus will get handlers
$bus = new class(new InMemoryHandlerLocator()) extends \AwdStudio\Bus\SimpleBus {
    // We need to provide a method that will handle our message
    public function handle(object $message): void 
        // Our parent allows us to iterate all handlers 
        // that assigned to certain message
        foreach ($this->handleAll($message) as $result) {
            echo $result;

// To use a bus, we call a provided method:
$bus->handle(new \stdClass());

use AwdStudio\Bus\Handler\InMemoryHandlerLocator;
use AwdStudio\Command\SimpleCommandBus;

class MyCommand {
    // Messages might be any of PHP class.
    // No any of implementation or extending dBus($handlers);

$bus->handle(new MyCommand());

use AwdStudio\Bus\Handler\InMemoryHandlerLocator;
use AwdStudio\Query\SimpleQueryBus;

class MyQuery {
    // Messages might be any of PHP class.
    // No any of implementation or extending us = new SimpleQueryBus($handlers);

$result = $bus->handle(new MyQuery());

// Result will be:
// -> prefix foo suffix

use AwdStudio\Bus\Handler\InMemoryHandlerLocator;
use AwdStudio\Event\SimpleEventBus;

class MyEvent {
    // Messages might be any of PHP class.
    // No any of implementation or extending s pattern allows to provide any amount of subscribers
// we cah add more of them:
$subscribers->add(MyEvent::class, static function (MyEvent $event): void {});

$bus = new SimpleEventBus($subscribers);

$bus->handle(new MyEvent());

// After that, the event is delivered to each subscriber.

use AwdStudio\Bus\Handler\ParentsAwareClassHandlerRegistry;
use AwdStudio\Bus\Handler\PsrContainerClassHandlerRegistry;
use Psr\Container\ContainerInterface;

class MyPsr11Container implements ContainerInterface {}

interface Foo {}
abstract class Bar {}
final class Baz extends Bar implements Foo {}

class Handler
    // You can subscribe on any of level
    public function __invoke(Foo $message): void {}
    // ..or
    public function __invoke(Bar $message): void {}
    // ..or
    public function __invoke(Baz $message): void {}

$handlerRegistry = new ParentsAwareClassHandlerRegistry(new PsrContainerClassHandlerRegistry(new MyPsr11Container()));

use AwdStudio\Bus\Handler\PsrContainerClassHandlerRegistry;
use AwdStudio\Bus\SimpleBus;
use Psr\Container\ContainerInterface;

class MyPsr11Container implements ContainerInterface
    private $dependencies;

    public function __construct(array $dependencies)
        $this->dependencies = $dependencies;

    public function has($id): bool
        return \in_array($id, $this->dependencies, true);

    public function get($id): object
        return $id();

class StdClassHandler
    public function __invoke(\stdClass $message): void
        $message->foo = 'foo';

$serviceLocator = new MyPsr11Container([StdClassHandler::class]);
$handlerRegistry = new PsrContainerClassHandlerRegistry($serviceLocator);

// To assign a handler use a defined method:
$handlerRegistry->register(\stdClass::class, StdClassHandler::class);

// And pass them as a handler-locator to a bus
$bus = new class ($handlerRegistry) extends SimpleBus {
    public  function handle(object $message): void 
        foreach ($this->handleAll($message) as $result) {
            echo $result;

// After that, you can call handling as usual:
$bus->handle(new \stdClass()); // The handler will be executed

use AwdStudio\Bus\Handler\AutoRegisterHandlersRegistryClass;
use AwdStudio\Bus\Handler\PsrContainerClassHandlerRegistry;

$psrRegistry = new PsrContainerClassHandlerRegistry(new  MyPsr11Container());
$autoRegistry = new AutoRegisterHandlersRegistryClass($psrRegistry);

// Now, you can add a callback to assign a handler automatically.
// Just be sure, that it has a correct type-hint of a message that it handles.
$handler = static function (\stdClass $message): void { };
$autoRegistry->autoAdd($handler); // It will be called within the stdClass' messages.

// And this is not all it can! 
// If you use services as handlers - you also can register them automatically. 
// Suppose we have this handler, that can be resolved from our container:
class Handler {
    public function __invoke(\stdClass $message): void { }

// We can register it like so:

// That's all..

use AwdStudio\Bus\Handler\PsrContainerClassHandlerRegistry;

class Handler {
    public function handle(\stdClass $message): void { }

// Any registry can manage with it out of the box
$psrRegistry = new PsrContainerClassHandlerRegistry(new  MyPsr11Container());
$psrRegistry->register(\stdClass::class, Handler::class, 'handle');
// The 3rd argument tells which method is in charge of handling.

use AwdStudio\Bus\SimpleBus;

class MyBus extends SimpleBus
    public function handle(object $message): string 
        $result = '';
        foreach ($this->handleAll($message) as $handled) {
            $result .= $handled;
        return $result;

use AwdStudio\Bus\SimpleBus;

class MyBus extends SimpleBus
    public function handle(object $message): string 
        $result = '';
        foreach ($this->handleMessage($message) as $chain) {
            $result .= $chain();
        return $result;