PHP code example of aw-studio / laravel-states

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download aw-studio/laravel-states library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


aw-studio / laravel-states example snippets


php artisan migrate

class BookingState extends State
    const PENDING = 'pending';
    const FAILED = 'failed';
    const SUCCESSFULL = 'successfull';

    const INITIAL_STATE = self::PENDING;
    const FINAL_STATES = [self::FAILED, self::SUCCESSFULL];

class BookingStateTransitions extends State
    const PAYMENT_PAID = 'payment_paid';
    const PAYMENT_FAILED = 'payment_failed';

class BookingState extends State
    // ...

    public static function config()

use AwStudio\States\Contracts\Stateful;
use AwStudio\States\HasStates;

class Booking extends Model implements Stateful
    use HasStates;

    protected $states = [
        'state' => BookingState::class,
        'payment_state' => ...,

$booking->state->current(); // "pending"
(string) $booking->state; // "pending"

if($booking->state->is(BookingState::PENDING)) {

$states = [
if($booking->state->isAnyOf($states)) {

if($booking->state->was(BookingState::PENDING)) {


$booking->state->transition(BookingStateTransition::PAYMENT_PAID, fail: false);

$booking->state->transition(BookingStateTransition::PAYMENT_PAID, reason: "Mollie API call failed.");


DB::transaction(function() {
    // Lock the current state for update:
    // ...




Booking::whereStateIs('payment_state', PaymentState::PAID);
Booking::orWhereStateIs('payment_state', PaymentState::PAID);
Booking::whereStateIsNot('payment_state', PaymentState::PAID);
Booking::orWhereStateIsNot('payment_state', PaymentState::PAID);
Booking::whereStateWas('payment_state', PaymentState::PAID);
Booking::whereStateWasNot('payment_state', PaymentState::PAID);

$booking->states()->get() // Get all states.
$booking->states('payment_state')->get() // Get all payment states.

class BookingObserver
    public function stateSuccessfull(Booking $booking)
        // Gets fired when booking state changed to successfull.
    public function paymentStatePaid(Booking $booking)
        // Gets fired when booking payment_state changed to paid.
    public function stateTransitionPaymentPaid(Booking $booking)
        // Gets fired when state transition payment_paid gets fired.

BookingState::whereCan(BookingStateTransition::PAYMENT_PAID); // Gets states where from where the given transition can be executed.
BookingState::canTransitionFrom('pending', 'cancel'); // Determines if the transition can be executed for the given state.
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="states:migrations"