PHP code example of avadim / fast-excel-laravel

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download avadim/fast-excel-laravel library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


avadim / fast-excel-laravel example snippets

// Create workbook...
$excel = \Excel::create();

// export model...

// and save XLSX-file to default storage

// or save file to specified disk
$excel->store('disk', 'path/file.xlsx');

// Open saved workbook
$excel = \Excel::open(storage_path('path/file.xlsx'));

// import records to database

// Create workbook with sheet named 'Users'
$excel = \Excel::create('Users');

// Export all users to Excel file


// Create workbook with sheet named 'Users'
$excel = \Excel::create('Users');

// Write users with field names in the first row


// Create workbook with sheet named 'Users'
$excel = \Excel::create('Users');

$sheet = $excel->sheet();
// Get users as collection
$users = User::where('age', '>', 35)->get();

// Write attribute names

// Write all selected records

$sheet = $excel->makeSheet('Records');
// Get collection of records using Query Builder
$records = \DB::table('users')->where('age', '>=', 21)->get(['id', 'name', 'birthday']);

$sheet = $excel->makeSheet('Collection');
// Make custom collection of arrays
$collection = collect([
    [ 'id' => 1, 'site' => '' ],
    [ 'id' => 2, '' => '' ],

$sheet = $excel->makeSheet('Array');
// Make array and write to sheet
$array = [
    [ 'id' => 1, 'name' => 'Helen' ],
    [ 'id' => 2, 'name' => 'Peter' ],

$sheet = $excel->makeSheet('Callback');
$sheet->writeData(function () {
    foreach (User::cursor() as $user) {
        yield $user;

$sheet = $excel->sheet();
$sheet->mapping(function($model) {
    return [
        'id' => $model->id, 'date' => $model->created_at, 'name' => $model->first_name . $model->last_name,

$excel = \Excel::create('Users');
$sheet = $excel->sheet();

// Set column B to 12
$sheet->setColWidth('B', 12);
// Set options for column C
$sheet->setColOptions('C', ['width' => 12, 'text-align' => 'center']);
// Set column width to auto
$sheet->setColWidth('D', 'auto');

$title = 'This is demo of avadim/fast-excel-laravel';
// Begin area for direct access to cells
$area = $sheet->beginArea();
$area->setValue('A2:D2', $title)
// Write headers to area, column letters are case independent
    ->setValue('a4:a5', '#')
    ->setValue('b4:b5', 'Number')
    ->setValue('c4:d4', 'Movie Character')
    ->setValue('c5', 'Birthday')
    ->setValue('d5', 'Name')

// Apply styles to headers
// Write area to sheet

// You can set value formats for some fields
$sheet->formatAttributes(['birthday' => '@date', 'number' => '@integer']);

// Write data to sheet

// Save XLSX-file

// Open XLSX-file 
$excel = Excel::open($file);

// Import a workbook to User model using the first row as attribute names

// Done!!!

// Import row to User model from columns range A:B - only 'name' and 'birthday'
$excel->withHeadings()->importModel(User::class, 'A:B');

// Import from cells range
$excel->withHeadings()->importModel(User::class, 'B4:D7');

// Define top left cell only
$excel->withHeadings()->importModel(User::class, 'B4');

// Import row to User model from columns range B:E
$excel->mapping(function ($record) {
    return [
        'id' => $record['A'], 'name' => $record['B'], 'birthday' => $record['C'], 'random' => $record['D'],
})->importModel(User::class, 'B:D');

// Define top left cell only
$excel->mapping(['B' => 'name', 'C' => 'birthday', 'D' => 'random'])->importModel(User::class, 'B5');

// Define top left cell only (shorter way)
$excel->importModel(User::class, 'B5', ['B' => 'name', 'C' => 'birthday', 'D' => 'random']);

$excel = Excel::open($file);

$sheet = $excel->sheet('Articles');
foreach ($sheet->nextRow() as $rowNum => $rowData) {
    $user = User::create([
        'name' => $rowData['B'],
        'birthday' => new \Carbon($rowData['C']),
        'password' => bcrypt($rowData['D']),
        'user_id' => $user->id,
        'title' => $rowData['E'],
        'date' => new \Carbon($rowData['F']),
        'public' => $rowData['G'] === 'yes',