PHP code example of autoprotect-group / php-dynamodb-odm

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download autoprotect-group/php-dynamodb-odm library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


autoprotect-group / php-dynamodb-odm example snippets

$dynamoDbClient = new DynamoDbClient(array_merge(
        'region' => 'eu-west-2',
        'version' => 'latest',

$client = new DynamodbOperationsClient($dynamoDbClient);

$marshaler = new Marshaler();

$queryBuilder = new QueryBuilder($marshaler, new ExpressionFactory($marshaler));

// annotation reader
$annotationReader = new AnnotationReader();

// annotation manager
$annotationManager = new AnnotationManager($annotationReader);

$newModelHydrator = new Hydrator(NewModel::class, $annotationManager);
$sortKeyModelHydrator = new Hydrator(SortKeyModel::class, $annotationManager);

// serializer for
$serializer = new Serializer($annotationManager);

class ExampleDemoModel extends Model
    protected const TABLE_NAME = 'test-table';
    // Primary means that this is a partition key for the DynamoDb table
    #[StringType, Primary]  protected string $id;
    #[StringType]           protected string $name;
    #[FloatType]            protected float $price;
    #[Money]                protected Money $priceNet;
    #[FloatType]            protected float $percent;
    #[IntegerType]          protected int $itemsAmount;
    #[DateType]             protected DateTime $createdAt;
    #[BooleanType]          protected bool $isDeleted;
    #[BooleanType]          protected bool $isPhoneNumber;
    #[ModelType([ModelType::MODEL_CLASS_NAME => RelatedModel::class])]
    protected RelatedModel $buyer;
    #[CollectionType([CollectionType::MODEL_CLASS_NAME => RelatedModel::class])]
    protected array $buyers;
    #[ModelType([Asset::MODEL_CLASS_NAME => Asset::class])]
    protected Asset $asset;
    #[HashMapType([HashMapType::MODEL_CLASS_NAME => RelatedModel::class])]
    protected array $buyersMap;
    // getter and setters should be here    

class ModelWithEnumeration extends Model
    #[Primary, StringType]
    protected string $id;

    protected OrderStatus $orderStatus;
    // union types
    protected OrderStatus|ApplicationStatus $unionStatus;

    // union types with null
    protected OrderStatus|ApplicationStatus|null $unionNullableStatus;

    // isStrict means the value will be null in case wrong value comes from the DB
    #[EnumType(isStrict: false)]
    protected ?OrderStatus $orderStatusAdditional = null;

    protected CustomerType $customerType;

MyEncryptor implements EncryptorInterface {
    protected const ENCRYPTION_KEY = 'def000008053addc0f94b14c0e480a10631a0a970b3565e5a7a2aeaeeb51a39e2d139a8977bc02be0195f0036a29aefff9df6d2ddb81432d14b4dce82b83b3a95c6d0205';

    public function decrypt(string|array $encryptedData, array $options = []): string|array
        // any decryption way may be implemented
        if (is_array($encryptedData)) {
            // ...specific property decryption operations...
            return $encryptedData;
        return Crypto::decrypt(

$newModelHydrator = new Hydrator(
    new MyEncryptor(),

class EncryptionDemoModel extends Model
    #[Key\Primary, Types\StringType]
    protected string $id;

    // ability to encrypt a specific property in a scalar associative  array 
    #[Types\ScalarCollectionType, Encrypted(["encryptedProperty" => "secretProperty"])]
    protected array $encryptedArray;

    #[Types\StringType, Encrypted]
    protected string $encryptedName;

$newModelDynamoDbRepository = new DynamoDBRepository(

$foundModel = $newModelDynamoDbRepository->get($id);

$foundModel = $newModelDynamoDbRepository->get($id, $sortKey);

$foundModel = $newModelDynamoDbRepository->get($id, $sortKey, false);

$foundModel = $newModelDynamoDbRepository->getOneById($id, $sortKey, false);



$documentRepository = new DocumentRepository(

$projectionExpression = "property.subPropertyModel";

$model = $documentRepository->getDocument()

$projectionExpression = "";

$name = $this->documentRepository->getDocumentProperty()

$getItemQuery = $queryBuilder
    ->itemKey([$itemKey => $keyValue])
$item = $this->dynamoDbClient

$attributesForUpdate = [
   "numberProp" => 2, 
   "stringProp" => "updated string value", 
   "" => "updated map-type-1", 
   "" => "updated mapProp", 
   "listProp" => [
         "updated listProp 1", 
         "updated listProp 2" 

$getItemQuery = $queryBuilder
    ->itemKey([$itemKey => $keyValue])
