PHP code example of ausi / remote-git

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download ausi/remote-git library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


ausi / remote-git example snippets

use Ausi\RemoteGit\Repository;
use Ausi\RemoteGit\GitObject\File;
use Ausi\RemoteGit\Exception\ConnectionException;
use Ausi\RemoteGit\Exception\PushCommitException;

$repo = new Repository('ssh://[email protected]/ausi/remote-git.git');

try {
} catch(ConnectionException $exception) {
    // Unable to connect to the specified server

$headCommit = $repo->getBranch('main')->getCommit();

$newTree = $headCommit
        'Example content…',

$newCommit = $repo->commitTree($newTree, 'Add example', $headCommit);

try {
    $repo->pushCommit($newCommit, 'main');
} catch(PushCommitException $exception) {
    // Unable to push to the specified remote, e.g. no write access