PHP code example of aurorawebsoftware / flexyfield

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download aurorawebsoftware/flexyfield library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


aurorawebsoftware / flexyfield example snippets

use AuroraWebSoftware\FlexyField\Contracts\FlexyModelContract;
use AuroraWebSoftware\FlexyField\Traits\Flexy;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Product extends Model implements FlexyModelContract {
    use Flexy;
    // your class implementation

$product = Product::create(['name' => 'Training Shoes']);

// Set flexy fields
$product->flexy->color = 'blue'; // string
$product->flexy->price = 49.90; // decimal value
$product->flexy->size = 42; // integer
$product->flexy->gender = 'man'; // string
$product->flexy->in_stock = true; // boolean

// Retrieve the flexy fields using flexy attribute
echo $product->flexy->color; // Outputs 'blue'
echo $product->flexy->size; // Outputs 42`
echo $product->flexy->in_stock; // Outputs true`

// or retrieve the flexy fields using default models' attribute with flexy_ prefix
echo $product->flexy_color; // Outputs 'blue'
echo $product->flexy_size; // Outputs 42`
echo $product->flexy_in_stock; // Outputs true`

use AuroraWebSoftware\FlexyField\Enums\FlexyFieldType;

Product::setFlexyShape('color', FlexyFieldType::STRING, 1, 'exyFieldType::BOOLEAN, 3, '

Product::getFlexyShape('color'); // returns Shape model

use Illuminate\Validation\ValidationException;

try {
    $product->flexy->size = 'invalid-size';
    $product->save(); // Throws ValidationException
} catch (ValidationException $e) {
    // Handle the exception
    echo "Validation failed: " . $e->getMessage();

// Find all blue products
$products = Product::where('flexy_color', 'blue')->get();

// or dynamic where
$products = Product::whereFlexyColor('blue')->get();

// Find models with multiple conditions on flexy fields
$models = Product::where('flexy_color', 'blue 1')
    ->where('flexy_price', '<',  100)
    ->where('flexy_in_stock', true)

use AuroraWebSoftware\FlexyField\Enums\FlexyFieldType;

User::setFlexyShape('username', FlexyFieldType::STRING, 1, 'exyFieldType::BOOLEAN, 3, 'bool');

$user->flexy->username = 'too_long_username_exceeding_the_limit';
$user->flexy->score = 120;
$user->flexy->banned = false;
$user->save(); // ValidationException thrown due to invalid data`

use Carbon\Carbon;

$flexyModel->flexy->event_date = Carbon::now(); // Save current date as a flexy field

echo $flexyModel->flexy->event_date; // Output the saved date`

ExampleFlexyModel::setFlexyShape('sorted_top_field', FlexyFieldType::STRING, 1);
ExampleFlexyModel::setFlexyShape('sorted_bottom_field', FlexyFieldType::STRING, 10);
php artisan migrate