PHP code example of aurimasniekis / gmo-aozora-client

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download aurimasniekis/gmo-aozora-client library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


aurimasniekis / gmo-aozora-client example snippets

use AurimasNiekis\GmoAozoraClient\Configuration;

$config = new Configuration(
    string $username,
    string $password,
    string $deviceToken = null,
    string $faToken = null,
    string $serviceType = self::SERVICE_TYPE, //
    string $ssoDomain = self::SSO_DOMAIN,     //
    string $apiDomain = self::API_DOMAIN      //

use AurimasNiekis\GmoAozoraClient\JsonFileConfiguration;

$config = new JsonFileConfiguration(
    string $configFile

use Buzz\Client\Curl;
use Nyholm\Psr7\Factory\Psr17Factory;
use AurimasNiekis\GmoAozoraClient\Client;
use AurimasNiekis\GmoAozoraClient\WebClient;
use AurimasNiekis\GmoAozoraClient\JsonFileConfiguration;

$factory = new Psr17Factory();
$client  = new Curl($factory);

$config    = new JsonFileConfiguration(__DIR__ . '/config.json');
$webClient = new WebClient($config, $client, $factory, $factory);
$client    = new Client($webClient);

$accountDetails = $client->accountDetails();

^ AurimasNiekis\GmoAozoraClient\Model\AccountDetails^ {#9
  -raw: array:27 [
  -customerName: null
  -customerType: null
  -lastLoginDatetime: DateTimeImmutable @1584736703 {#10
    date: 2020-03-20 20:38:23.626 UTC (+00:00)
  -queryDatetime: DateTimeImmutable @1584738476 {#11
    date: 2020-03-20 21:07:56.664 UTC (+00:00)
  -isLock: null
  -rankName: "1テックま君"
  -rankLogoUrl: null
  -atmFeeFreeCount: 2
  -transferFeeFreeCount: 1
  -transferLimitAmount: "500000000000"
  -oneDayTransferLimitAmount: "500000000000"
  -lastDayTotalBalance: "9999999"
  -totalBalance: "9999999"
  -ordinaryDepositTotalBalance: "9999999"
  -sweepTotalBalance: ""
  -lastDaySweepTotalBalance: ""
  -termDepositTotalBalance: ""
  -fcyOrdinaryDepositTotalJpyBalance: ""
  -uncollectedAmount: "0"
  -uncollectedDeducationBalance: null
  -branchCode: "123"
  -branchName: "..."
  -accountNumber: "1234567"
  -debitPlanList: []
  -rateList: array:8 [
    0 => array:16 [
      "customerRateId" => "1212321"
      "currency" => "USD"
      "ttb" => "110.07"
      "tts" => "110.11"
      "ttbRiseOrFall" => "1"
      "ttmRiseOrFall" => "1"
      "ttsRiseOrFall" => "1"
      "isServiceTime" => "1"
      "isValidRate" => "1"
      "currencyName" => "米ドル"
      "displayFractionLength" => 2
      "orderFractionLength" => 2
      "currencyServiceStatus" => "1"
      "validSeconds" => 10
      "generatedAt" => "20200320210755456"
      "ttm" => "110.09"
  -authorityList: []
  -statementList: array:5 [
    0 => AurimasNiekis\GmoAozoraClient\Model\PaymentStatementEntry^ {#14
      -raw: array:7 [
      -data: DateTimeImmutable @1584706076 {#13
        date: 2020-03-20 12:07:56.0 UTC (+00:00)
      -remark: "Visa"
      -memo: null
      -amount: "400"
      -balance: "123456789"
      -accountEntryNumber: "123456"
      -creditDebitType: "2"
    1 => AurimasNiekis\GmoAozoraClient\Model\IncomeStatementEntry^ {#14
      -raw: array:7 [
      -data: DateTimeImmutable @1584706076 {#13
        date: 2020-03-20 12:07:56.0 UTC (+00:00)
      -remark: "Visa"
      -memo: null
      -amount: "123456789"
      -balance: "123456789"
      -accountEntryNumber: "123456"
      -creditDebitType: "1"

$statements = $client->ordinaryDepositStatement(
   DateTimeInterface $toDate = null,
   DateTimeInterface $fromDate = null,
   int $perPage = 2000

$statements = $client->foreignOrdinaryDepositStatement(
   DateTimeInterface $toDate = null,
   DateTimeInterface $fromDate = null,
   int $perPage = 2000

$statements = $client->termDepositStatement(
   DateTimeInterface $toDate = null,
   DateTimeInterface $fromDate = null,
   int $perPage = 2000

$statements = $client->sweepAccountStatement(
   DateTimeInterface $toDate = null,
   DateTimeInterface $fromDate = null,
   int $perPage = 2000

$statements = $client->rawStatement(
    string $type,
    array $options,
    DateTimeInterface $toDate = null,
    DateTimeInterface $fromDate = null,
    int $offset = 0,
    int $limit = 20

$statements = $client->rawStatementAll(
   string $type,
   array $options,
   DateTimeInterface $toDate = null,
   DateTimeInterface $fromDate = null,
   int $perPage = 2000

array:100 [
    0 => AurimasNiekis\GmoAozoraClient\Model\PaymentStatementEntry^ {#14
      -raw: array:7 [
      -data: DateTimeImmutable @1584706076 {#13
        date: 2020-03-20 12:07:56.0 UTC (+00:00)
      -remark: "Visa"
      -memo: null
      -amount: "400"
      -balance: "123456789"
      -accountEntryNumber: "123456"
      -creditDebitType: "2"

$statements = $client->visaStatement(
   DateTimeInterface $toDate = null,
   DateTimeInterface $fromDate = null,
   int $perPage = 2000

array:100 [
   0 => AurimasNiekis\GmoAozoraClient\Model\VisaStatementEntry^ {#21
    -raw: array:9 [
    -date: DateTimeImmutable @1584274771 {#22
      date: 2020-03-15 12:19:31.0 UTC (+00:00)
    -usage: "AMAZON.CO.JP"
    -amount: "1234"
    -status: "1"
    -localCurrencyAmount: "0.0"
    -atmUseFee: null
    -currency: null
    -conversionRate: null
    -approvalNumber: "12345"