PHP code example of aura / cli

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download aura/cli library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


aura / cli example snippets

use Aura\Cli\CliFactory;

$cli_factory = new CliFactory;
$context = $cli_factory->newContext($GLOBALS);

// get copies of superglobals
$env    = $context->env->get();
$server = $context->server->get();
$argv   = $context->argv->get();

// equivalent to:
// $value = isset($_ENV['key']) ? $_ENV['key'] : null;
$value = $context->env->get('key');

// equivalent to:
// $value = isset($_ENV['key']) ? $_ENV['key'] : 'other_value';
$value = $context->env->get('key', 'other_value');

$options = array(
    'a',        // short flag -a, parameter is not allowed
    'b:',       // short flag -b, parameter is ,     // long option --bar, parameter is 

$a   = $getopt->get('-a', false); // true if -a was passed, false if not
$b   = $getopt->get('-b');
$c   = $getopt->get('-c', 'default value');
$foo = $getopt->get('--foo', 0); // true if --foo was passed, false if not
$bar = $getopt->get('--bar');
$baz = $getopt->get('--baz', 'default value');
$g   = $getopt->get('-g', []);

// alias -f to --foo
$options = array(
    'foo,f:',  // long option --foo or short flag -f, parameter values
$f   = $getopt->get('-f'); // both -f and --foo have the same values

$options = array(

$getopt = $context->getopt($options);

// if the script was invoked with:
// php script.php --foo=foo --foo=bar --foo=baz -f -f -f
$foo = $getopt->get('--foo'); // ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']
$f   = $getopt->get('-f'); // [true, true, true]

$getopt = $context->getopt($options);
if ($getopt->hasErrors()) {
    $errors = $getopt->getErrors();
    foreach ($errors as $error) {
        // print error messages to stderr using a Stdio object

$getopt = $context->getopt($options);

// if the script was invoked with:
// php script.php arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4

$val0 = $getopt->get(0); // script.php
$val1 = $getopt->get(1); // arg1
$val2 = $getopt->get(2); // arg2
$val3 = $getopt->get(3); // arg3
$val4 = $getopt->get(4); // arg4

$options = array(

$getopt = $context->getopt($options);

// if the script was invoked with:
// php script.php arg1 --foo=bar -a arg2
$arg0 = $getopt->get(0); // script.php
$arg1 = $getopt->get(1); // arg1
$arg2 = $getopt->get(2); // arg2
$foo  = $getopt->get('--foo'); // bar
$a    = $getopt->get('-a'); // 1

use Aura\Cli\CliFactory;

$cli_factory = new CliFactory;
$stdio = $cli_factory->newStdio();

// print to stdout
$stdio->outln('This is normal text.');

// print to stderr
$stdio->errln('<<red>>This is an error in red.');
$stdio->errln('Output will stay red until a formatting change.<<reset>>');

use Aura\Cli\CliFactory;
use Aura\Cli\Status;

 new CliFactory;
$context = $cli_factory->newContext($GLOBALS);
$stdio = $cli_factory->newStdio();

// define options and named arguments through getopt
$options = ['verbose,v'];
$getopt = $context->getopt($options);

// do we have a name to say hello to?
$name = $getopt->get(1);
if (! $name) {
    // print an error
    $stdio->errln("Please give a name to say hello to.");

// say hello
if ($getopt->get('--verbose')) {
    // verbose output
    $stdio->outln("Hello {$name}, it's nice to see you!");
} else {
    // plain output
    $stdio->outln("Hello {$name}!");

// done!

use Aura\Cli\Help;

class MyCommandHelp extends Help
    protected function init()
        $this->setSummary('A single-line summary.');
        $this->setUsage('<arg1> [<arg2>]');
            'f,foo' => "The -f/--foo option description.",
            'bar::' => "The --bar option description.",
        $this->setDescr("A multi-line description of the command.");

use Aura\Cli\CliFactory;
use Aura\Cli\Context\OptionFactory;

$cli_factory = new CliFactory;
$stdio = $cli_factory->newStdio();

$help = new MyCommandHelp(new OptionFactory);

use Aura\Cli\CliFactory;
use Aura\Cli\Context\OptionFactory;
use Aura\Cli\Help;

$cli_factory = new CliFactory;
$stdio = $cli_factory->newStdio();

$help = new Help(new OptionFactory);
$this->setSummary('A single-line summary.');
    'f,foo' => "The -f/--foo option description.",
    'bar::' => "The --bar option description.",
    '#arg1' => "The description for argument 1.",
    '#arg2?' => "The description for argument 2.",
$this->setDescr("A multi-line description of the command.");
