PHP code example of assistant-engine / open-functions-core

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download assistant-engine/open-functions-core library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


assistant-engine / open-functions-core example snippets

use AssistantEngine\OpenFunctions\Core\Contracts\AbstractOpenFunction;
use AssistantEngine\OpenFunctions\Core\Models\Responses\TextResponseItem;
use AssistantEngine\OpenFunctions\Core\Helpers\FunctionDefinition;
use AssistantEngine\OpenFunctions\Core\Helpers\Parameter;

class HelloWorldOpenFunction extends AbstractOpenFunction
     * Generate function definitions.
     * This method returns a schema that defines the "helloWorld" function.
    public function generateFunctionDefinitions(): array
        // Create a new function definition for helloWorld.
        $functionDef = new FunctionDefinition(
            'Returns a friendly greeting.'

        // In this simple example, no parameters are = $helloFunction->generateFunctionDefinitions();

// Example: Using the tools in an OpenAI API call (pseudo-code)
// Assume you have an OpenAI client that accepts a "tools" parameter.
$client = new OpenAIClient('YOUR_API_KEY');
$response = $client->chat()->create([
    'model'    => 'gpt-4o',
    'messages' => [
        ['role' => 'user', 'content' => 'Greet me please.']
    'tools'    => $tools,

// Output the response content.

use AssistantEngine\OpenFunctions\Core\Helpers\FunctionDefinition;
use AssistantEngine\OpenFunctions\Core\Helpers\Parameter;

// Create a function definition with name "myFunction" and a short description
$funcDef = new FunctionDefinition('myFunction', 'A function that does something');

// Add a 

use AssistantEngine\OpenFunctions\Core\Examples\DeliveryOpenFunction;
use AssistantEngine\OpenFunctions\Core\Examples\WeatherOpenFunction;
use AssistantEngine\OpenFunctions\Core\Services\OpenFunctionRegistry;

$deliveryFunction = new DeliveryOpenFunction(['Pizza', 'Burger', 'Sushi']);
$weatherFunction  = new WeatherOpenFunction();

$registry = new OpenFunctionRegistry();
// Register DeliveryOpenFunction under the "delivery" namespace
    'Handles product delivery, orders, and shipping details.',
// Register WeatherOpenFunction under the "weather" namespace
    'Handles weather and forecasting services.',

// Access all function definitions (namespaced)
$allDefinitions = $registry->getFunctionDefinitions();

// Execute a sample function call (simulate an LLM request to "delivery_orderProduct")
$response = $registry->executeFunctionCall('delivery_orderProduct', [
    'productName' => 'Pizza',
    'quantity'    => 2

// The response is a standard Response object
if ($response->isError) {
    echo "Error: " . print_r($response->toArray(), true);
} else {
    echo "Success: " . print_r($response->toArray(), true);

use OpenAI;

// 1. Prepare your messages
$messageList = new MessageList();

// Add a user message
$messageList->addMessage(new UserMessage("I want to order 2 Burgers"));

// 2. Convert messages to array
$messagesArray = $messageList->toArray();

// 3. Prepare the function definitions from your registry
$functionDefinitions = $registry->getFunctionDefinitions();

// 4. Call the Chat API
$client = OpenAI::client('YOUR_OPENAI_API_KEY');

$response = $client->chat()->create([
    'model'         => 'gpt-4o',
    'messages'      => $messagesArray,
    'tools'         => $functionDefinitions, // Provide all your known function definitions

// 5. Parse the response
// The model might either return text or a function call (tool call).
if (isset($response->choices[0]->message->toolCalls)) {
    foreach ($response->choices[0]->message->toolCalls as $toolCall) {
        // Extract the function name (already namespaced) and arguments
        $functionName = $toolCall->function->name;
        $functionArgs = json_decode($toolCall->function->arguments, true);

        // 6. Execute the function via the registry
        $toolResponse = $registry->executeFunctionCall($functionName, $functionArgs);

        // 7. Return the tool's response back to the conversation (or handle it as you wish)
} else {
    // Regular text response from the model
    echo $response->choices[0]->message->content;

$messageList = new MessageList();
$messageList->addExtension($registry); // <-- This will prepend a DeveloperMessage automatically

$messageList->addMessage(new UserMessage("What's the weather in Berlin for the next 3 days?"));

// Now when you do $messageList->toArray(), 
// it has a developer message listing the registered namespaces 
// plus your user message.
$messagesArray = $messageList->toArray();

$functionDefinitions = $registry->getFunctionDefinitions();

// Use $messagesArray and $functionDefinitions in an OpenAI chat call as before...

$response = $registry->executeFunctionCall('delivery_listProducts', []);

    [isError] => false
    [content] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [type] => text
                    [text] => Available products: Pizza, Burger, Sushi.