PHP code example of assistant-engine / laravel-assistant

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download assistant-engine/laravel-assistant library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


assistant-engine / laravel-assistant example snippets

return [
    'api-url' => env('ASSISTANT_ENGINE_API', ''),
    'api-key' => env('ASSISTANT_ENGINE_TOKEN'),
    'llm-provider-key' => env('OPENAI_API_KEY'),

    "chat" => [
        "render-assistant-message-as-markdown" => true,
        "disable-assistant-icon" => false,
        "disable-user-input" => false,

        "open-ai-recorder" => [
            "activate" => true,
            "open-ai-key" => env('OPENAI_API_KEY'),
            "language" => "en"

use AssistantEngine\SDK\Models\Options\ConversationOption;

// Create a new ConversationOption
$options = new ConversationOption('assistant_key', [
    'user_id' => 'user123',
    'subject_id' => 'subject456',
    'title' => 'New Conversation',
    'context' => ['topic' => 'tech support'],
    'additional_data' => ['foo' => 'bar'],
    'recreate' => true,

public function onRunFinished()
    // Handle run finished event

// Emitted when the conversation is reset

// Emitted when a conversation run is completed

// Emitted to prompt the UI to scroll to the latest message

public function onConversationReset()
    // Handle conversation reset event

public function onRunFinished()
    // Handle run finished event

public function onShouldScroll()
    // Handle scroll to the latest message event

// Triggered when switching between conversations

// Triggered when a new message is processed

public function dispatchChangeConversation($conversationData)
    // Dispatch the event to change the conversation
    $conversationData = (new Conversation($conversationData))->toArray();
    $this->dispatch(ChatComponent::EVENT_CHANGE_CONVERSATION, $conversationData);

public function dispatchProcessMessage($message)
    // Dispatch the event to process a new message
    $this->dispatch(ChatComponent::EVENT_PROCESS_MESSAGE, $message);

use AssistantEngine\SDK\AssistantEngine;

class TaskController
    protected $assistantEngine;

    public function __construct(AssistantEngine $assistantEngine)
        $this->assistantEngine = $assistantEngine;

    public function executeTask()
        // Your logic here

use AssistantEngine\SDK\Models\Options\TaskRunOption;

$taskRunOption = new TaskRunOption(['key' => 'value']);
$taskRunResponse = $assistantEngine->initiateTaskRun('task_key', $taskRunOption);

if (!$taskRunResponse->is_running) {
    echo "Task completed with output: " . $taskRunResponse->output;
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=assistant-config
export default {
    content: [
        // [other resources]
php artisan assistant-engine:chat {assistant-key}