PHP code example of aslamhus / spotify-client

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download aslamhus/spotify-client library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


aslamhus / spotify-client example snippets

use Aslamhus\SpotifyClient\Spotify;
use Aslamhus\SpotifyClient\SpotifyClient;
use Aslamhus\SpotifyClient\Auth\ClientCredentials;

// Initialize the Spotify API client with your client id and secret
$client = new SpotifyClient('your-client-id', 'your-client-secret');
// Choose your authorization flow. In this case we use Client Credentials
$credentials = new ClientCredentials($client);
// pass the token into a new Spotify class
$client = new Spotify($credentials->getToken(), $client);
// You're ready to go!

   use Aslamhus\SpotifyClient\Auth\AuthorizationCode;
   $url = AuthorizationCode::getAuthorizeUrl('your-client-id', 'http://localhost:8000/callback', 'user-read-private user-read-email');


   // user lands on the redirect uri after successful login
   $code = $_GET['code'];

   $client = new SpotifyClient('your-client-id', 'your-client-secret');
   $credentials = new AuthorizationCode($client, $code, 'http://localhost:8000/callback');
   // pass the token and client to the Spotify class
   $spotify = new Spotify($credentials->getToken(), $client);
   // you can now access previously restricted resources

use Aslamhus\Spotify\Auth\AccessToken;
$token = new AccessToken([
    'access_token' => '',
    'token_type' => 'Bearer',
    'expires_in' => 3600,
    'scope' => 'user-read-email user-read-private'
    'refresh_token' => ''
$spotify = new Spotify($token, $client);

// Example: Get artist information
$artistData = $spotify->get('artists/3WrFJ7ztbogyGnTHbHJFl2');

// Example: Search for artists with a query
$search = new Search($spotify);
$search-exec('Steely Dan', 'artist, track');
// get an associative array of all the search results, i.e. ['tracks' => SearchResult, 'artists' => SearchResult]
$searchResults = $search->getAllResults();
// get the search result items for tracks
$trackItems = $searchResults['tracks']->getItems();

$search->exec('Pink Floyd', 'artist, track');
// get a SearchResult object
$searchResult = $search->getResultsForType('track');
// SearchResult objects are json serializable, so you can print them to json
echo json_encode($searchResult, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
// You can also get the search items. In this case, a Tracks object is returned
$tracks = $searchResult->getItems();
// print the track names

// set the result set limit to 10
$search->exec('Steely Dan', 'artist', 10);
$artistResult = $search->getResultsForType('artist');
    // get the next 10 results
// now the search result will have 10 new items appended
count($artistResult->getItems()); // returns 10

use Aslamhus\SpotifyClient\Artist\Artist;
// create Artist object
$artists = new Artist($spotify, $artistId);
// get all albums for artist
$albums = $artists->getAlbums();

$tracks = $albums[0]->getTracks();

use Aslamhus\SpotifyClient\Album\Album;
$album = new Album($spotify, '4aawyAB9vmqN3uQ7FjRGTy')
// fetch the album data
// fetch the album tracks

$spotify = new Spotify($token, $client);
$user = new User($spotify);
$playlist = new Playlist($spotify, $user, ['id' => 'my-playlist-id-string']);
// all entities are json serializable
echo json_encode($playlist);

$playlist = Playlist::create($spotify, $user, [
    'name' => 'My Playlist', // ault is false

$track = new Track($spotify, '5xxumuSMspEXt19CGfeiD2');

$track = new Track($spotify, '5xxumuSMspEXt19CGfeiD2');
$playlist->addTrack([$track], 3);

$tracks = new Tracks([]);
$ids = ['5xxumuSMspEXt19CGfeiD2','6rqhFgbbKwnb9MLmUQDhG6'];
foreach($ids as $id){
    $tracks->addTrack(new Track($spotify, $id));

$tracksToDelete = $playlist->tracks->findTracksByName('Lazy Day');
// returns null if no tracks found
if($trackToDelete) {

$playlist = new Playlist($this->spotify, $this->user, ['id' => 'playlist-id-string']);

// Get playlist details
$details = $playlist->getDetails();

// Get playlist cover image
$coverImage = $playlist->getCoverImage();

// Update playlist details
$updateOptions = [
    'name' => 'Updated Playlist Name',
    'description' => 'Updated playlist description',
    'public' => false,

// Update playlist cover image
$filePath = "/path/to/my/file.jpg";

// Reorder playlist tracks
$playlist->reorderTracks(2, 0);

// Replace playlist tracks
$newTracks = new Tracks([new Track('new-track-uri-1'), new Track('new-track-uri-2')]);

try {
    $artistData = $spotify->get('artists/invalid-id');
} catch (\Exception $e) {
    echo 'Error: ' . $e->getMessage();