PHP code example of asikam / speedex

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download asikam/speedex library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


asikam / speedex example snippets

        use Asikam\Speedex\Speedex;
        $speedex = new Speedex();

        $voucher['BOL'][] = [
            '_cust_Flag'          => 0,
            'Items'               => 1,
            'Paratiriseis_2853_1' => "comments",
            'Paratiriseis_2853_2' => 'comments line 2',
            'Paratiriseis_2853_3' => 'comments line 3',
            'PayCode_Flag'        => 1,
            'Pod_Amount_Cash'     => 0,
            // 'Pod_Amount_Description' => 'M',
            'RCV_Addr1'           => "street 52 City",
            'RCV_Country'         => 'Country',
            'RCV_Name'            => "Firstname Surname",
            'RCV_Tel1'            => "0000000000",
            'RCV_Zip_Code'        => "00000",
            'Saturday_Delivery'   => 0,
            'Security_Value'      => 0,
            'Snd_agreement_id'    => $speedex->agreement_id,
            'SND_Customer_Id'     => $speedex->customer_id,
            'Voucher_Weight'      => 1,



        if ($speedex->created()) {

            $pdf = $speedex->getPdf();

            Storage::disk('speedex')->put($speedex->getCreatedVoucherCode() . '.pdf',
                $pdf );

    use Asikam\Speedex\Speedex;
    $speedex = new Speedex();

    $response = $speedex->cancel("voucher number");

    use Asikam\Speedex\Speedex;

    $speedex = new Speedex();
    $response = $speedex->trace("voucher number");