PHP code example of ashishtilara / moment

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download ashishtilara/moment library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


ashishtilara / moment example snippets

$m = new \Moment\Moment(); // default is "now" UTC
echo $m->format(); // e.g. 2012-10-03T10:00:00+0000

$m = new Moment('now', 'Europe/Berlin');
echo $m->format(); // e.g. 2012-10-03T12:00:00+0200

$m = new \Moment\Moment('2012-04-25T03:00:00', 'CET');
echo $m->format('l, dS F Y / H:i (e)'); // Wednesday, 25th April 2012 / 03:00 (Europe/Berlin)

$m = new \Moment\Moment('2012-04-25T03:00:00', 'CET');
echo $m->setTimezone('UTC')->format(); // 2012-04-25T01:00:00+0000

$m = new \Moment\Moment('2012-05-15T12:30:00', 'CET');
echo $m->add('hours', 2)->format(); // 2012-05-15T14:30:00+0200

$m = new \Moment\Moment('2012-05-15T12:30:00', 'CET');
echo $m->subtract('days', 7)->subtract('minutes', 15)->format(); // 2012-05-08T12:15:00+0200

$m = new \Moment\Moment('2013-02-01T07:00:00');
$difference = $m->fromNow();

// or from a specific moment
$m = new \Moment\Moment('2013-02-01T07:00:00');
$difference = $m->from('2011-09-25T10:00:00');

// result comes as an array

/* array(5) {
  ["seconds"]=> string(9) "-19630800"
  ["minutes"]=> string(7) "-327180"
  ["hours"]=> string(5) "-5453"
  ["days"]=> string(7) "-227.21"
  ["weeks"]=> string(6) "-32.46"
} */

$m = new \Moment\Moment();

// Get the period for the given date
$m->getPeriodByDate('2012-04-08', 'month');

// result as array
[reference] => 2012-04-08, [start] => 2012-04-01, [end] => 2012-04-30, [interval] => 04

$m = new Moment();

// Get the period for the 2nd quarter of 2012
$m->getPeriodByInterval('2012', 'quarter', 2);

// result as array
[reference] => 2012-04-01, [start] => 2012-04-01, [end] => 2012-06-30, [interval] => 2