PHP code example of asemalalami / laravel-advanced-filter

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download asemalalami/laravel-advanced-filter library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


asemalalami / laravel-advanced-filter example snippets

class Order extends Model
    use HasFilter;

    protected $casts = [
        'void' => 'boolean',

    public function channel()
        return $this->belongsTo(Channel::class);

    public function orderLines()
        return $this->hasMany(OrderLine::class);

    public function setupFilter()
        $this->addField('void'); // will cast to 'boolean' from the model casts
        $this->addFields(['source', 'subsource', 'order_date']);
        // field from relation
        $this->addFields(['channel.created_at' => 'channel_create'])->setDatatype('date');
        $this->addField('orderLines.product.sku', 'product_sku');
        // field from relation count
        // custom field (raw sql)
        $this->addCustomField('my_total', '(shipping_cost + subtotal)');
        // enable general search
        $this->addGeneralSearch(['source', 'orderLines.product.sku'], 'startsWith');

    // customize field filter by custom scope
    public function scopeWhereSource(Builder $builder, Field $field, string $operator, $value, $conjunction = 'and')
        if ($operator == 'Equal') {
            return $builder->where(function (Builder $builder) use ($value) {
                $builder->where('source', $value)
                    ->orWhere('subsource', $value);
        // default behavior
        return $builder->applyOperator($operator, $field, $value, $conjunction);


class OrderController extends Controller
    public function index()
        return Order::filter()->paginate(); // you can pass your custom request
    $this->addField('', 'channel_name', false);

    public function scopeWhereEmail(Builder $builder, Field $field, string $operator, $value, $conjunction = 'and')

    public function scopeWherePrice(Builder $builder, Field $field, string $operator, $value, $conjunction = 'and')
    public function scopeWhereOrderLines(Builder $builder, Field $field, string $operator, $value, $conjunction = 'and')


    $this->addFields(['created_at' => 'create_date', 'order_date'])->setDatatype('date');
    $this->addCountField('orderLines', 'lines_count', function (Builder $builder) {
        $builder->where('quantity', '>', 1);

    $this->addCustomField('my_total', '(`shipping_cost` + `subtotal`)');
    $this->addCustomField('line_subtotal', '(`price` + `quantity`)', 'orderLines'); // inside "orderLines" relation

$this->addGeneralSearch(['source', 'orderLines.product.sku'], 'startsWith');

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="AsemAlalami\LaravelAdvancedFilter\AdvancedFilterServiceProvider" --tag="config"