PHP code example of ascetik / cacheable

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download ascetik/cacheable library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


ascetik / cacheable example snippets

// Closure use case
$func = function(string $name): string {
    return 'Closure : hello '.$name;

// class method use case
class Greeter
    public function greet($name): string
        return 'Method : hello ' . $name;

// invokable class use case
class InvokableGreeter
    public function __invoke(string $name): string
        return 'Invkable : hello ' . $name;

$closureWrapper = CacheableFactory::wrapCall($func); // returns a CacheableClosure instance
$methodWrapper = CacheableFactory::wrapCall(new Greeter()); // returns a CacheableMethod instance
$invokableWrapper = CacheableFactory::wrapCall(new InvokableGreeter()); // returns a CacheableInvokable instance

$serial = serialize($closureWrapper);

$serial = goAndFindInCache('something-satisfying-my-needs'); // file, external service, SQL, noSQL, hyper-speed keyboard typing world champion...
$wrapper = unserialize($serial);
echo $wrapper->apply(['John']); // prints 'Closure : hello John'
// A CacheableCall is invokable
echo $wrapper(['John']); // same result

$instance = new MyInstance();
$wrapper = CacheableFactory::wrapInstance($instance);
$serial = serialize($wrapper);

// get wrapper back
$extractedWrapper = unserialize($serial);
$extractedInstance = $extractedWrapper->getInstance();
// Or use the extracted wrapper directly
$property = $extractedWrapper->someProperty();