PHP code example of asaritech / ukey1-php-sdk

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download asaritech/ukey1-php-sdk library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


asaritech / ukey1-php-sdk example snippets


use \Ukey1\App;
use \Ukey1\Endpoints\Authentication\Connect;
use \Ukey1\Endpoints\Authentication\SystemScopes;
use \Ukey1\Generators\RandomString;

// Set your domain name including protocol
//App::setDomain(""); // if not provided, it will be set automatically

define("APP_ID", "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx");
define("SECRET_KEY", "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx");

// Don't forget to use try/catch, the SDK may throw exceptions

try {
  // Entity of your app
  $app = new App();

  // You need a request ID (no need to be unique but it's better)
  // It may be a random string or number
  // But it may also be your own reference ID
  // Maximum length is 64 bytes (=128 chars)
  $requestId = RandomString::generate(64); 

  // This is an URL for redirection back to the app
  // Do you know what is absolutely perfect?
  // - it may be unique
  // - it may contain query parameters and/or fragment
  $returnUrl = "";

  // You can check what permissions you can ask (useful for development purposes)
  $systemModule = new SystemScopes($app);
  $permissions = $systemModule->getAvailablePermissions();

  // Endpoint module
  $connectModule = new Connect($app);
  $connectId = $connectModule->getId(); // $connectId is our reference ID (UUID, exactly 36 chars)

  // Store $requestId and $connectId in your database or session, you will need them later
  $_SESSION["requestId"] = $requestId;
  $_SESSION["connectId"] = $connectId;

  // Redirect user to Ukey1 Gateway

} catch (\Exception $e) {
  echo "Unfortunatelly, an error was occured: " . $e->getMessage();


use \Ukey1\App;
use \Ukey1\Endpoints\Authentication\AccessToken;
use \Ukey1\Endpoints\Authentication\User;

define("APP_ID", "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx");
define("SECRET_KEY", "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx");

// Don't forget to use try/catch, the SDK may throw exceptions

try {
  $app = new App();

  // Endpoint module
  // You needs $requestId and $connectId that you previously stored in your database or session
  // WARNING: DO NOT use values from GET query - the SDK will test if GET parameters are equal to those you provide here...
  $tokenModule = new AccessToken($app);
  $check = $tokenModule->check(); // returns true if user authorized the request

  if ($check) {
    $accessToken = $tokenModule->getAccessToken();

    // You can also get token expiration (in usual case it's only few minutes) and the list of granted permissions
    //$accessTokenExpiration = $tokenModule->getAccessTokenExpiration();
    //$grantedScope = $tokenModule->getScope();

    // You can now unset request ID and connect ID from session or your database
    unset($_SESSION["requestId"], $_SESSION["connectId"]);

    // Now you can read user's data
    $userModule = new User($app);

    // If you don't need any personal data but ID, you can get user's ID without any other request (because it's stored in access token)
    $userId = $userModule->getId();

    // If you need more data, the following method will trigger request to get them
    $user = $module->getUser();

    $scope = $user->getScope();
    $firstname = $user->getFirstname();
    $surname = $user->getSurname();
    $language = $user->getLanguage();
    $country = $user->getCountry();
    $email = $user->getEmail();
    $image = $user->getImageUrl();

    // For other permissions (if applicable) you can use general `get()` method
    $customScope = $user->get("another-available-scope");

    // ... more your code ...
  } else {
    // The request has been canceled by user...

} catch (\Exception $e) {
  echo "Unfortunatelly, an error was occured: " . $e->getMessage();


use \Ukey1\App;
use \Ukey1\Endpoints\Authentication\ExtranetUsers;

// Set your domain name including protocol
//App::setDomain(""); // if not provided, it will be set automatically

define("APP_ID", "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx");
define("SECRET_KEY", "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx");

// Don't forget to use try/catch, the SDK may throw exceptions

try {
  // Entity of your app
  $app = new App();

  // Endpoint module
  $extranetModule = new ExtranetUsers($app);
  $extranetModule->setEmail("[email protected]")
  $referenceId = $extranetModule->getReferenceId(); // $referenceId is our extranet reference ID (UUID, exactly 36 chars)

  // Store $referenceId in your database, you may need it later when you want to delete the user
  // Meanwhile, Ukey1 have just sent an email with the invitation link

  // Next steps?
  // - user clicks to the invitation link
  // - user signs in to Ukey1 gateway
  // - user is redirected back to homepage (or separated login page) of your app
  // - you can directly initiate a standard Connection request (and redirect to Ukey1)
  // - user is already logged in Ukey1, so they only must authorize your app
  // - That's it!

} catch (\Exception $e) {
  echo "Unfortunatelly, an error was occured: " . $e->getMessage();
$ composer