PHP code example of asacanell / push-notification

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download asacanell/push-notification library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


asacanell / push-notification example snippets

    'priority' => 'high',
    'dry_run' => true,
    'time_to_live' => 3

    'passPhrase' => 'NewPass',
    'custom' => 'MycustomValue',
    'dry_run' => true


$push = new PushNotification;

$push = new PushNotification('apn');

$push = new PushNotification('apnp8');

$push = new PushNotification('fcm');

object setService($name)

object setMessage(array $data)

object setApiKey($api_key)

object setDevicesToken($deviceTokens)

object send()

object getFeedback()

array getUnregisteredDeviceTokens()

object setConfig(array $config)

object setUrl($url)

object sendByTopic($topic,$isCondition)

        'notification' => [
                'title'=>'This is the title',
                'body'=>'This is the message',
                'sound' => 'default'
        'data' => [
                'extraPayLoad1' => 'value1',
                'extraPayLoad2' => 'value2'

            'aps' => [
                'alert' => [
                    'title' => 'This is the title',
                    'body' => 'This is the body'
                'sound' => 'default',
                'badge' => 1

            'extraPayLoad' => [
                'custom' => 'My custom data',

       'notification' => [
               'title'=>'This is the title',
               'body'=>'This is the message',
               'sound' => 'default'
       'data' => [
               'extraPayLoad1' => 'value1',
               'extraPayLoad2' => 'value2'


       'notification' => [
               'title'=>'This is the title',
               'body'=>'This is the message',
               'sound' => 'default'
       'data' => [
               'extraPayLoad1' => 'value1',
               'extraPayLoad2' => 'value2'

$push = new PushNotification('fcm');
$response = $push->setMessage(['message'=>'Hello World'])
            ->setConfig(['dry_run' => false])

$push = new PushNotification('fcm');
$response = $push->setMessage(['message'=>'Hello World'])
            ->setConfig(['dry_run' => false])
            ->sendByTopic("'dogs' in topics || 'cats' in topics",true);

           'notification' => [
                   'title'=>'This is the title',
                   'body'=>'This is the message',
                   'sound' => 'default'

           'notification' => [
                   'title'=>'This is the title',
                   'body'=>'This is the message',
                   'sound' => 'default'
           'data' => [
                   'extraPayLoad1' => 'value1',
                   'extraPayLoad2' => 'value2'

           'title'=>'This is the title',
           'body'=>'This is the message',
           'myCustomVAlue' => 'value'

           'data' => [
                   'title'=>'This is the title',
                  'body'=>'This is the message',
                  'myCustomVAlue' => 'value'


    $push->setMessage(['body'=>'This is the message','title'=>'This is the title'])

class stdClass#21 (4) {
  public $success =>
  public $failure =>
  public $tokenFailList =>
  array(1) {
    [0] =>
    string(64) "c55741656e6c3185f3474291aebb5cf878b8719288e52bf4c497292b320312c5"
  public $apnsFeedback =>
  array(1) {
    [0] =>
    class stdClass#16 (3) {
      public $timestamp =>
      public $length =>
      public $devtoken =>
      string(64) "c55741656e6c3185f3474291aebb5cf878b8719288e52bf4c497292b320312c5"


                             'notification' => [
                                     'title'=>'This is the title',
                                     'body'=>'This is the message',
                                     'sound' => 'default'
                             'data' => [
                                     'extraPayLoad1' => 'value1',
                                     'extraPayLoad2' => 'value2'

public function toApn($notifiable)
    return new PushMessage('Hello world');

public function toApn($notifiable)
    return (new PushMessage)
        ->title('Hello world')

public function toApn($notifiable)
    return (new PushMessage)
        ->body('Hello world')

public function toApn($notifiable)
  return (new PushMessage)
        ->body('Hello world')

public function toApn($notifiable)
    return (new PushMessage)
        ->body('Hello world')
        ->config(['dry_run' => false]);

public function via($notifiable)
    return [ApnChannel::class];

 * Route notifications for the Apn channel.
 * @return string|array
public function routeNotificationForApn()
    return $this->ios_push_token;

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Edujugon\PushNotification\Providers\PushNotificationServiceProvider" --tag="config"
passFile => __DIR__ . '/iosCertificates/yourKey.pem' //Optional
key => __DIR__ . '/key.p8'