PHP code example of arturaskaukenas / dom
1. Go to this page and download the library: Download arturaskaukenas/dom library . Choose the download type require .
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards */
arturaskaukenas / dom example snippets
use \ArturasKaukenas\DOM;
$content = \file_get_contents("./data/books.xml");
$parser = new DOM\XML\Parser();
$xml = $parser->fullParse($content);
use \ArturasKaukenas\DOM\XML\Parser;
$content = \file_get_contents("./data/books.xml");
$parser = new Parser();
$full_result = $parser->fullParse($content);
$node = $full_result->getChild(0)->getChild(0);
$node->setAttribute("test", "2");
//Child elements
$result = $full_result->getChild(0);
$result->currentChild()->getAttribute("id"); //Child 0
$result->nextChild()->getAttribute("id"); //Child 1
$result->nextChild()->getAttribute("id"); //Child 2
$result->iterateChild()->getAttribute("id"); //Child 0
$result->iterateChild()->getAttribute("id"); //Child 1
$result->iterateChild()->getAttribute("id"); //Child 2
//Append child
$test_node = new XML\StdNode;
$test_node->setAttributes(array("id" => "test_node_id_1"));
//Remove child
use \ArturasKaukenas\DOM;
$parser = new DOM\XML\Parser();
function(DOM\INode $node) {
$node->AUTHOR ..
$node->TITLE ..
$handle = \fopen($folder."books.xml", "r");
while (!\feof($handle)) {
$buffer = \fgets($handle, 4096);
use \ArturasKaukenas\DOM;
class BOOK extends DOM\XML\Node {
public function __construct() {
(new DOM\Expected("author", DOM\NodeDataTypes::T_STRING))->
function ($value) : string {
return \strtoupper((string) $value);
setExpectedValue("title", DOM\NodeDataTypes::T_STRING)->
setExpectedValue("genre", DOM\NodeDataTypes::T_STRING)->
(new DOM\Expected("price", DOM\NodeDataTypes::T_FLOAT))->
function (float $value) {
if ($value > 10) {
return "Should be cheaper than 10";
return true;
function($value) {
$timestamp = \strtotime((string) $value);
if ($timestamp === false) {
return null;
return (new \DateTime())->setTimestamp($timestamp);
setExpectedValue("description", DOM\NodeDataTypes::T_STRING);
$parser = new DOM\XML\Parser();
function(DOM\INode $node) {
echo "Title: ".$node->TITLE."\n";
echo "Author: ".$node->AUTHOR."\n";
echo "Price: ".$node->PRICE."\n";
echo "Date: ".$node->PUBLISH_DATE->format(DateTime::ATOM)."\n";
$handle = \fopen($folder."books.xml", "r");
while (!\feof($handle)) {
$buffer = \fgets($handle, 4096);
public function expects(Expected $expected): INode;
public function setExpectedObject(string $name, $object, bool $isArray): INode;
public function setExpectedValue(string $name, int $type, ?callable $processFunction = null): INode;
public function useDataParser(callable $callback): void;
public function setIgnoreChildren(bool $value): void;
public function setIgnoreChildrenIfNotExists(bool $value): void;
public function setDataAsChildren(bool $value): void;
public function expectedElementExists(string $name) : bool;
public function setExpectedElement(string $name, $value) : void;
public function __get(string $name) : mixed;
public function __set(string $name, $value) : void;
public function __isset(string $name) : bool;
public function hasAttributes(): bool;
public function hasAttribute(string $name): bool;
public function getAttributeNames(): array;
public function getAttribute(string $name): ?string;
public function setAttribute(string $key, $value): void;
public function removeAttribute(string $name): void;
public function getChild(int $num): ?INode;
public function currentChild(): ?INode;
public function nextChild(): ?INode;
public function iterateChild(): ?INode;
public function endChild(): ?INode;
public function resetChild(): ?INode;
public function getElementsByTagName(string $tagName, bool $clean = true): array;
public function getElementById(string $id): ?INode;
public function getTextContents(): string;
public function setTextContents(?string $data): void;
public function getInner(): string;
public function setInner(?string $data): void;
public function setName(string $name, bool $clean) : void;
public function setAttributes(array $attributes) : void;
public function appendChild(INode $child) : INode;
public function removeChild(INode $childNode) : INode;
public function remove() : void;
public function cleanChildren() : void;
public function setParser(IParser $parser) : void;
public function getExpected() : array;
public function getInner() : string;
public function getInnerXML() : string;
public function setInner(?string $data) : void;
public function setInnerXML(?string $data) : void;
public function init(?INode $currentScope = null, bool $skipParser = false) : void;
public function parse(string $data) : bool;
public function finalize() : void;
public function errorsExists() : bool;
public function getErrors() : array;
public function clean() : void;
public function registerNode(\ReflectionClass $class) : IParser;
public function isNodeRegistered(string $elementName) : bool;
public function onFinalizeNode(string $name, callable $callback) : IParser;
public function __construct(string $name, int $type = NodeDataTypes::T_MIXED);
public function typeOf(int $type);
public function preValidate(callable $function) : Expected;
public function process(callable $function) : Expected;
public function validate(callable $function) : Expected;
public function prototypeOfClassName(string $name) : Expected;
public function prototypeOfObject(\ReflectionClass $class) : Expected;
public static function getTypeName(int $type);