1. Go to this page and download the library: Download artex/exceptions library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
artex / exceptions example snippets
use Artex\Exceptions\ArtexRuntimeException;
try {
throw new ArtexRuntimeException("Something went wrong!", 500);
} catch (ArtexRuntimeException $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();
namespace MyApp\Exceptions;
use Artex\Exceptions\ArtexRuntimeException;
class CustomException extends ArtexRuntimeException
public function __construct(string $message = "", int $code = 0, array $context = [])
parent::__construct($message, $code, $context);
use Artex\Exceptions\ArtexRuntimeException;
use Monolog\Logger;
use Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler;
// Set up a PSR-3 logger
$logger = new Logger('example');
$logger->pushHandler(new StreamHandler('php://stdout', Logger::DEBUG));
// Register the logger
try {
throw new ArtexRuntimeException("Critical failure", 500);
} catch (ArtexRuntimeException $e) {
// Exception is automatically logged
echo "Exception logged: " . $e->getMessage();
namespace MyApp\Exceptions;
use Artex\Exceptions\ArtexRuntimeException;
class CustomException extends ArtexRuntimeException
public function __construct(string $message = "", int $code = 0, array $context = [])
parent::__construct($message, $code, $context);
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