PHP code example of artem-frolov / yii-sass

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download artem-frolov/yii-sass library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


artem-frolov / yii-sass example snippets

    'aliases' => array(
        // Path to your Composer's "vendor" directory
        // You can remove this if you use Composer's autoloader and Yii >= 1.1.15
        'vendor' => __DIR__ . '/../../../vendor',
    'components' => array(
        'sass' => array(
            // Path to the SassHandler class
            // You need the full path only if you don't use Composer's autoloader
            'class' => 'vendor.artem-frolov.yii-sass.SassHandler',
            // Use the following if you use Composer's autoloader and Yii >= 1.1.15
            //'class' => 'SassHandler',
            // Enable Compass support, defaults to false
            'enableCompass' => true,

    'components' => array(
        'sass' => array(
            // Path to the SassHandler class
            'class' => 'ext.yii-sass.SassHandler',
            // Path and filename of
            'compilerPath' => __DIR__ . '/../vendor/scssphp/',
            // Path and filename of
            // Required only if Compass support is needed
            'compassPath' => __DIR__ . '/../vendor/scssphp-compass/',
            // Enable Compass support, defaults to false
            'enableCompass' => true,

    Yii::getPathOfAlias('application.assets.sass') . '/your-file.scss'

'components' => array(
    'sass' => array(
        // Path to the SassHandler class
        'class' => 'vendor.artem-frolov.yii-sass.SassHandler',
        // Path and filename of
        // Defaults to the relative location in Composer's vendor directory
        'compilerPath' => __DIR__ . "/../../../vendor/leafo/scssphp/",
        // Path and filename of
        // Required only if Compass support is needed
        // Defaults to the relative location in Composer's vendor directory
        'compassPath' => __DIR__ . '/../../../vendor/leafo/scssphp-compass/',

        // Path for cache files. Will be used if Yii caching is not enabled.
        // Will be chmod'ed to become writable,
        // see "writableDirectoryPermissions" parameter.
        // Yii aliases can be used.
        // Defaults to 'application.runtime.sass-cache'
        'cachePath' => 'application.runtime.sass-cache',
        // Enable Compass support.
        // Automatically add rted files have
        // been changed after previous compilation.
        // False value means that compilation will be done only if
        // an output CSS file doesn't exist.
        // Defaults to true
        'allowOverwrite' => true,
        // Automatically add directory containing SCSS file being processed
        // as an import path for the @import Sass directive.
        // Defaults to true
        'autoAddCurrentDirectoryAsImportPath' => true,
        // List of import paths.
        // Can be a list of strings or callable functions:
        // function($searchPath) {return $targetPath;}
        // Defaults to an empty array
        'importPaths' => array(),
        // Chmod permissions used for creating/updating of writable
        // directories for cache files and compiled CSS files.
        // Mind the leading zero for octal values.
        // Defaults to 0777
        'writableDirectoryPermissions' => 0777,

        // Chmod permissions used for creating/updating of writable
        // cache files and compiled CSS files.
        // Mind the leading zero for octal values.
        // Defaults to 0666
        'writableFilePermissions' => 0666,

        // Default value for $hashByName parameter in extension's methods.
        // $hashByName value determines whether the published file should be named
        // as the hashed basename. If false, the name will be the hash taken
        // from dirname of the path being published and path mtime.
        // Set to true if the path being published is shared
        // among different extensions.
        // Defaults to false
        // @see CAssetManager::publish()
        'defaultHashByName' => false,
        // Customize the formatting of the output CSS.
        // Use one of the SassHandler::OUTPUT_FORMATTING_* constants
        // to set the formatting type.
        // @link
        // Default is OUTPUT_FORMATTING_NESTED
        'compilerOutputFormatting' => SassHandler::OUTPUT_FORMATTING_NESTED,
        // Id of the cache application component.
        // Defaults to 'cache' (the primary cache application component)
        'cacheComponentId' => 'cache',

 * Publish and register compiled CSS file.
 * Compile/recompile source SCSS file if needed.
 * Optionally can publish compiled CSS file inside specific published directory.
 * It's helpful when CSS code has relative references to other
 * resources (images/fonts) and when these resources are also published
 * using Yii asset manager. This method allows to publish compiled CSS files
 * along with other resources to make relative references work.
 * E.g.:
 * "image.jpg" is stored inside path alias "application.files.images"
 * Somewhere in the code the following is called during page generation:
 * Yii::app()->assetManager->publish(Yii::getPathOfAlias('application.files'));
 * SCSS file has the following code: background-image: url(../images/image.jpg);
 * Then the correct call of the method will be:
 * Yii::app()->sass->register(
 *     'path-to-scss-file.scss',
 *     '',
 *     'application.files',
 *     'css_compiled'
 * );
 * @param string $sourcePath Path to the source SCSS file
 * @param string $media Media that the CSS file should be applied to.
 *        If empty,it means all media types
 * @param string $insidePublishedDirectory Path to the directory with
 *        resource files which is published somewhere in the application explicitly.
 *        Default is null which means that CSS file will be published separately.
 * @param string $subDirectory Subdirectory for the CSS file within
 *        publicly available location. Default is null
 * @param boolean $hashByName Must be the same as in the CAssetManager::publish() call
 *        for $insidePublishedDirectory. See CAssetManager::publish() for details.
 *        "defaultHashByName" plugin parameter's value is used by default.
    $media = '',
    $insidePublishedDirectory = null,
    $subDirectory = null,
    $hashByName = null

 * Publish compiled CSS file.
 * Compile/recompile source SCSS file if needed.
 * Optionally can publish compiled CSS file inside specific published directory.
 * It's helpful when CSS code has relative references to other
 * resources (images/fonts) and when these resources are also published
 * using Yii asset manager. This method allows to publish compiled CSS files
 * along with other resources to make relative references work.
 * E.g.:
 * "image.jpg" is stored inside path alias "application.files.images"
 * Somewhere in the code the following is called during page generation:
 * Yii::app()->assetManager->publish(Yii::getPathOfAlias('application.files'));
 * SCSS file has the following code: background-image: url(../images/image.jpg);
 * Then the correct call of the method will be:
 * Yii::app()->sass->publish('path-to-scss-file.scss', 'application.files', 'css_compiled');
 * @param string $sourcePath Path to the source SCSS file
 * @param string $insidePublishedDirectory Path to the directory with resource files
 *        which is published somewhere in the application explicitly.
 *        Default is null which means that CSS file will be published separately.
 * @param string $subDirectory Subdirectory for the CSS file within publicly
 *        available location. Default is null
 * @param boolean $hashByName Must be the same as in the CAssetManager::publish() call
 *        for $insidePublishedDirectory. See CAssetManager::publish() for details.
 *        "defaultHashByName" plugin parameter's value is used by default.
 * @return string URL of the published CSS file
    $insidePublishedDirectory = null,
    $subDirectory = null,
    $hashByName = null

 * Get path to the compiled CSS file, compile/recompile source file if needed
 * @param string $sourcePath Path to the source SCSS file
 * @throws CException
 * @return string

 * Compile SCSS file
 * @param string $sourcePath
 * @throws CException
 * @return string Compiled CSS code

 * Get compiler
 * Loads