PHP code example of arraypress / cpt-inline-list-table

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download arraypress/cpt-inline-list-table library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


arraypress / cpt-inline-list-table example snippets


// Example usage of register_inline_table_post_type to create a 'Conditional Fee' custom post type.
    'conditional_fee',                                  // The key for the custom post type.
    __( 'Conditional Fee', 'edd-conditional-fees' ),    // The singular name of the custom post type for labels.
    __( 'Conditional Fees', 'edd-conditional-fees' ),   // The plural name of the custom post type for labels.
    'conditional_fee',                                  // The slug for the custom post type.
    [ 'excerpt', 'custom-fields', 'editor' ],           // (Optional) Additional features the post type supports.
    false                                               // (Optional) Whether to expose this post type in the WordPress REST API. Enables use of the Gutenberg editor and REST API queries.

 * Defines columns for the list table of a custom post type, showcasing conditional discounts.
 * This configuration automatically [
		'label'     => __( 'Amount', 'edd-conditional-fees' ),
		'callback'  => function ( $post ) {
			return get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'amount', true );
		'formatter' => function ( $value, $post ) {
			return edd_currency_filter( edd_format_amount( $value ) );
	// Example of a simple column that relies on automatic data sourcing.
	'expiration_date' => [
		'label' => __( 'Expiration Date', 'edd-conditional-fees' ),
		// No callback needed; the system will automatically search for 'expiration_date' in post object or meta.

// Registers an inline list table for a specified custom post type, configuring it with
// custom columns, administrative URLs, and settings for menu highlighting.
	'conditional_fee', // The custom post type identifier.
	$columns, // Associative array of columns with render callbacks and formatters.
	'edd_conditional_fees_table', // Hook name to attach the list table initialization.
	10, // Priority for the hook to control when the list table is initialized.
	'edit.php?post_type=download&page=edd-settings&tab=extensions', // URL for admin redirects.
	[ 'download_page_edd-settings' ], // Admin screens where scripts/styles should be enqueued.
	'edit.php?post_type=download', // Parent file slug for menu highlighting.
	'edd-settings' // Submenu file slug for submenu highlighting.

// Registers a settings section for managing conditional fees within the extension settings.
function register_section( array $sections ): array {
	$sections['conditional_fees'] = __( 'Conditional Fees', 'edd-conditional-fees' );

	return $sections;

add_filter( 'edd_settings_sections_extensions', __NAMESPACE__ . '\\register_section' );

// Adds settings for the 'Conditional Fees' section within the extension settings, enabling the configuration of rules.
function register_settings( array $existing_settings ): array {
	return array_merge( $existing_settings, [
		'conditional_fees' => [
				'id'   => 'conditional_fees_table',
				'name' => __( 'Conditional Fees', 'edd-conditional-fees' ),
				'type' => 'hook',
	] );

add_filter( 'edd_settings_extensions', __NAMESPACE__ . '\\register_settings' );