PHP code example of arhitector / zerg

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download arhitector/zerg library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


arhitector / zerg example snippets

// Describe your binary format in zerg language
$fieldCollection = new \Zerg\Field\Collection([
    'stringValue' => ['string', 15],
    'intValue' => ['arr', 5, ['int', 8]],
    'enumValue' => ['enum', 8, [
            0 => 'zero',
            10 => 'ten',
            32 => 'many'
        ], ['default' => 'not found']

// Wrap your data in one of zerg streams
$sourceStream = new \Zerg\StringStream("Hello from zerg123456");

//Get your data structure
$data  = $fieldCollection->parse($sourceStream);
    [stringValue] => Hello from zerg
    [intValue] => Array
            [0] => 49
            [1] => 50
            [2] => 51
            [3] => 52
            [4] => 53

    [enumValue] => not found

// Object notation
// --------------------------------------
// $field = new Int(<size>, <options>);

$field = new Int(4);
$field = new Int('byte', [
    'signed' => true, 
    'formatter' => function($value) {
        return $value * 100;

// Array notation
// --------------------------------------
// $fieldArray = ['int', <size>, <options>];

// Object notation
// --------------------------------------
// $field = new String(<size>, <options>);

$field = new String(16);
$field = new String('short', [
    'endian' => PhpBio\Endian::ENDIAN_BIG, 
    'formatter' => function($value) {
        return str_repeat($value, 2);

// Array notation
// --------------------------------------
// $fieldArray = ['string', <size>, <options>];

// Object notation
// --------------------------------------
// $field = new Padding(<size>);

$field = new Padding(16);

// Array notation
// --------------------------------------
// $fieldArray = ['padding', <size>];

// Object notation
// --------------------------------------
// $field = new Enum(<size>, <values>, <options>);

$field = new Enum(8, [0, 1, 2, 3]);
$field = new Enum('short', [
        1234 => 'qwerty1',
        2345 => 'qwerty2'
    ], [
        'default' => 'abcdef'

// Array notation
// --------------------------------------
// $fieldArray = ['enum', <values>, <options>];

// Object notation
// --------------------------------------
// $field = new Conditional(<key>, <fields>, <options>);

$field = new Conditional('/path/to/key/value', [
        1 => ['int', 32],
        2 => ['string', 32]
    ], [
        'default' => ['padding', 32]

// Array notation
// --------------------------------------
// $fieldArray = ['conditional', <fields>, <options>];

// Object notation
// --------------------------------------
// $field = new Arr(<count>, <field>, <options>);

$field = new Arr(10, ['int', 32]);

// Array notation
// --------------------------------------
// $fieldArray = ['arr', <field>, <options>];

// Object notation
// --------------------------------------
// $field = new Collection(<fields>, <options>);

$field = new Collection([
    'firstValue' => ['int', 32],
    'secondValue' => ['string', 32]

// Array notation
// --------------------------------------
// $fieldArray = ['collection', <fields>, <options>];
// or just
// $fieldArray = <fields>;

$fieldCollection = new \Zerg\Field\Collection([
    'count' => ['string', 2],
    'intValue' => ['arr', '/count', ['int', 8]]
$sourceStream = new \Zerg\StringStream("101234567890");
$data = $fieldCollection->parse($sourceStream);
    [count] => 10
    [intValue] => Array
            [0] => 49
            [1] => 50
            [2] => 51
            [3] => 52
            [4] => 53
            [5] => 54
            [6] => 55
            [7] => 56
            [8] => 57
            [9] => 48

$fieldCollection = new \Zerg\Field\Collection([
    'count' => ['string', 2],
    'conditional' => ['conditional', '/count', [
            0 => ['string', 80],
            10 => ['int', 16]
            'default' => ['string', 2]
$sourceStream = new \Zerg\StringStream("101234567890");
$data = $fieldCollection->parse($sourceStream);
    [count] => 10
    [conditional] => 12849