PHP code example of arckinteractive / mailgun

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download arckinteractive/mailgun library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


arckinteractive / mailgun example snippets

elgg_trigger_event('publish', 'object', $blog);

// After subscription notifications are dispatched,
// mailgun token can be accessed via metadata
// as "mg:<action>:<entity_type>:<entity_subtype>"
$mailgun_token = $blog->{"mg:publish:object:blog"};
// or
$mailgun_token = mailgun_get_entity_notification_token($blog, 'publish:object:blog');

elgg_register_plugin_hook_handler('prepare', 'notification:publish:object:blog', function($hook, $type, $notification) {
   $notification->token = 'my-random-token';
   return $notification;

notify_user($to, $from, $subject, $body, [
   'action' => 'my_action',
   'object' => $entity,

notify_user($to, $from, $subject, $body, [
   'token' => mailgun_get_entity_notification_token($object, 'action'),

function send_new_topic_notification($topic) {
	// Notification options
	$options = array(
		'subject"  => $topic->title,
		'body"     => $topic->description

	// Get the topic subscribers
	$subscribers = $topic->getSubscribers();

	// Get the site email address
	$site_email =  elgg_get_site_entity()->email;

	// Add a token to the site email
	$token = ArckInteractive\Mailgun\Message::addToken($site_email);

	// Store the token on the topic so we can recognize replies
	$topic->reply_token = $token['token'];

	// Set the From address
	$options['from'] = $token['email'];

	// In production run this method in a batch and use Vroom
	foreach ($subscribers as $user) {
		$options['to'] = $user->email;

// Register for the receive message event
elgg_register_event_handler('receive', 'mg_message', 'handle_topic_replies');

function handle_topic_replies($event, $type, $message) {
	// Get the token from the recipient email
	$token = $message->getRecipientToken();
	// Query to see if this token belongs to this forum plugin.
	$results = elgg_get_entities_from_metadata(array(
		'type'    => 'object',
		'subtype' => 'forum_topic',
		'limit'   => 1,
		'metadata_name_value_pairs' => array(
			'name'       => 'reply_token',
			'value'      => $token,
			'operator'   => '='
	// If this is not our token just return
	if (empty($results)) {

	// Set the topic
	$topic = $results[0];

	// Get the Elgg user from the sender
	$user = get_user_by_email($message->getSender());

	// We verify the sending user by the senders email address.
	if (empty($user)) {


	// Stop event propagation
	return false;