PHP code example of archtechx / airwire

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download archtechx/airwire library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


archtechx / airwire example snippets

class CreateUser extends Component
    public string $name = '';

    public string $email = '';

    public string $password = '';

    public string $password_confirmation = '';

    public function rules()
        return [
            'name' => ['>id, 'name' => $user->name]));


        return $user;

// boot()

Airwire::component('create-user', CreateUser::class);

class CreateTeam extends Component
    public string $name; // Shared

    public string $owner; // Not shared

    public function hydrate()
        $this->owner = auth()->id();

public function hydrate()
    // Executed on each request, before any changes & calls are made

public function dehydrate()
    // Executed when serving a response, before things like validation errors are serialized into array metadata

public function updating(string $property, mixed $value): bool
    return false; // disallow this state change

public function updatingFoo(mixed $value): bool
    return true; // allow this state change

public function updated(string $property, mixed $value): void
    // execute side effects as a result of a state change

public function updatedFoo(mixed $value): void
    // execute side effects as a result of a state change

public function changed(array $changes): void
    // execute side effects $changes has a list of properties that were changed
    // i.e. passed validation and updating() hooks

public bool $strictValidation = false;

public array $rules = [
    'name' => ['
    return [ ... ];

public function messages()
    return [ ... ];

public function attributes()
    return [ ... ];

    type: MyDTO::class,
    decode: fn (array $data) => new MyDTO($data['foo'], $data['abc']),
    encode: fn (MyDTO $dto) => ['foo' => $dto->foo, 'abc' => $dto->abc],

// received: '3'
public User $user;

// received: ['name' => 'Try Airwire on a new project', 'priority' => 'highest']
public function addTask(Task $task)

public User $user;
// response: {"name": "John Doe", "email": "[email protected]", ... }

public find(string $id): Response
    return User::find($id);
// same response as the property

#[Wired] #[Encode(method: 'getKey')]
public User $user; // returns '3'

#[Wired] #[Encode(property: 'slug')]
public Post $post; // returns 'introducing-airwire'

#[Wired] #[Encode(function: 'generateHashid')]
public Post $post; // returns the value of generateHashid($post)

#[Wired(default: [])]
public Collection $results;

// Search/Filter component

#[Wired(readonly: true, default: [])]
public Collection $results;

public function mount()
    return [
        'users' => User::all()->toArray(),

public function mount()
    return [
        'readonly' => [
            'users' => User::all()->toArray(),

public function save(User $user): User

    if ($user->save()) {
        $this->metadata('The user was saved with an id of ' . $user->id);
    } else {
        throw Exception("The user couldn't be created.");

// Assertions against responses use send()
test('properties are shared only if they have the Wired attribute', function () {
        ->state(['foo' => 'abc', 'bar' => 'xyz'])
    )->toBe(['bar' => 'xyz']); // foo is not Wired

// Assertions against component state use hydrate()
test('properties are shared only if they have the Wired attribute', function () {
        ->state(['foo' => 'abc', 'bar' => 'xyz'])
    )->toBe('xyz'); // foo is not Wired

php artisan airwire:generate

php artisan airwire:component CreateUser