PHP code example of arara / process

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download arara/process library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


arara / process example snippets


use Arara\Process\Action\Callback;

$callback = new Callback(function () {
    echo "This will be executed in the background!" . PHP_EOL;

$callback->bind(Callback::EVENT_SUCCESS, function () {
    echo "This will be executed if the action callback was successful!" . PHP_EOL;

$callback->bind(Callback::EVENT_ERROR | Callback::EVENT_FAILURE, function () {
    echo "It is going to be executed if the action fails or get an error" . PHP_EOL;

$command = new Command('whoami');

$command = new Command('cp', array('/path/to/source', '/path/to/destination'));

$command = new Command(
        '-name' => '*',
        '-type' => 'f',

$daemon = new Daemon(
    function (Control $control, Context $context, Daemon $daemon) {
        while (! $daemon->isDying()) {
            // Do whatever you want =)

$daemon = new Daemon(
        'name' => 'mydaemonname',
        'lock_dir' => __DIR__,

        'stdout' => '/tmp/daemon.stdout',
        'stderr' => '/tmp/daemon.stderr',

$daemon->setOption('work_dir', __DIR__);

$child = new Child(
    new Daemon(function () {
        // What my daemon does...
    new Control()
$child->start(); // Runs the callback in the background

$child->isRunning(); // Returns TRUE if it is running or FALSE if it is not

$child->terminate(); // Sends a SIGTERM to the process

$child->kill(); // Sends a SIGKILL to the process


$child->getStatus(); // Returns an Arara\Process\Control\Status instance








$maxConcurrentChildren = 2;
$pool = new Pool($maxConcurrentChildren);

$pool->attach(new Child(/* ... */));
$pool->attach(new Child(/* ... */));
$pool->attach(new Child(/* ... */));
$pool->attach(new Child(/* ... */));
// ...

$control = new Control();
$pid = $control->fork();// Throws RuntimeException when pcntl_fork() returns -1
if ($pid > 0) {
    echo 'Waiting on child...' . PHP_EOL;
    echo 'Child finished' . PHP_EOL;

echo 'Child process has PID ' . $control->info()->getId() . PHP_EOL;
echo 'Child process has parent PID ' . $control->info()->getParentId() . PHP_EOL;

$control->flush(2.5); // Will try to flush current process memory and sleep by 2 and a half seconds
$control->signal()->send('kill'); // Will send SIGKILL to the current process (the child)

$control = new Control();
$applicationName = 'my_app';
$pidfile = new Pidfile($control, $applicationName);

// Whatever you need here...
