PHP code example of apvanlaan / usaepay

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download apvanlaan/usaepay library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


apvanlaan / usaepay example snippets

$customer = new EpayCustomer();
$customer->custkey = $custkey;

return $customer->getCustomer();

$customer = new EpayCustomer();

return $customer->listCustomers();

$customer = new EpayCustomer();
$params = ['first_name' =>"John",'last_name' =>"Doe",'street' =>"123 House Rd",'city' =>"Beverly Hills",'state' =>"CA",'postalcode' =>"90210",'country' =>"USA",'phone' =>"5558675309",'email' =>"[email protected]",'description' =>"Fake customer information for testing."];
return $customer->addCustomer($params);

$customerUpdate = new \StdClass();
$customerUpdate->custkey = "asdf";
$customerUpdate->description = 'Still a fake customer used for testing';

$customer = new EpayCustomer($params);

return $customer->updateCustomer();

$params = ['custkey'=>$request->custkey];
$customer = new EpayCustomer($params);

return $customer->deleteCustomer();
$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Apvanlaan\UsaEpay\UsaEpayServiceProvider"