PHP code example of api-video / php-sdk

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download api-video/php-sdk library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


api-video / php-sdk example snippets

thenticate in production environment
$client = ApiVideo\Client\Client::create('yourProductionApiKey');

// Alternatively, authenticate in sandbox environment for testing
$client = ApiVideo\Client\Client::createSandbox('yourSandboxApiKey');

// Create and upload a video resource from local drive
$video = $client->videos->upload(
    array('title' => 'Course #4 - Part B')

// Display embed code
echo $video->assets['iframe'];
// <iframe src="" width="100%" height="100%" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>

// Create and upload a video resource from online source (third party)
$video = $client->videos->download(
    'Course #4 - Part B'

// Update video properties
        'tags' => array('course', 'economics', 'finance')

// Search video by tags filter and paginate results
$videos = $client->videos->search(
        'currentPage' => 1, 
        'pageSize' => 25, 
        'tags' => array('finance')

foreach ($videos  as $video) {
    echo $video->title."\n";

// Delete video resource

// Upload a video thumbnail
$client->videos->uploadThumbnail('/path/to/thumbnail.jpg', $video->videoId);

// Update video thumbnail by picking image with video timecode
$client->videos->updateThumbnailWithTimeCode($video->videoId, '00:15:22.05');

// Create players with default values
$player = $client->players->create();

// Get a player
$player = $client->players->get($player->playerId);

// Search a player with paginate results
$players = $client->players->search(array('currentPage' => 1, 'pageSize' => 50));

$properties = array(
    'shapeMargin' => 10,
    'shapeRadius' => 3,
    'shapeAspect' => 'flat',
    'shapeBackgroundTop' => 'rgba(50, 50, 50, .7)',
    'shapeBackgroundBottom' => 'rgba(50, 50, 50, .8)',
    'text' => 'rgba(255, 255, 255, .95)',
    'link' => 'rgba(255, 0, 0, .95)',
    'linkHover' => 'rgba(255, 255, 255, .75)',
    'linkActive' => 'rgba(255, 0, 0, .75)',
    'trackPlayed' => 'rgba(255, 255, 255, .95)',
    'trackUnplayed' => 'rgba(255, 255, 255, .1)',
    'trackBackground' => 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)',
    'backgroundTop' => 'rgba(72, 4, 45, 1)',
    'backgroundBottom' => 'rgba(94, 95, 89, 1)',
    'backgroundText' => 'rgba(255, 255, 255, .95)',
    'enableApi' => false,
    'enableControls' => true,
    'forceAutoplay' => false,
    'hideTitle' => false,
    'forceLoop' => false

// Update player properties
$client->players->update($player->playerId, $properties);

// Upload player logo
$client->players->uploadLogo('/path/to/logo.png', $playerId, '');

// Delete a player

// Upload video caption
        'videoId' => $video->videoId, 
        'language' => 'en'

// Get video caption by language
$caption = $client->captions->get($video->videoId, 'en');

// Update the default caption language
$client->captions->updateDefault($video->videoId, 'en', true);

//Delete caption by language
$client->captions->delete($video->videoId, 'en');

// Upload video chapter
        'videoId' => $video->videoId, 
        'language' => 'en'

// Get video chapter by language
$chapter = $client->chapters->get($video->videoId, 'en');

//Delete chapter by language
$client->chapters->delete($video->videoId, 'en');

// Create a live stream container
$liveStream = $client->lives->create('Test live');
// Get the RTMP stream key
$streamKey = $liveStream->streamKey;

//// Raw statistics

// List video player sessions 
$videoSessions = $client->analyticsVideo->search($video->videoId);
// List video player sessions for the month of July 2018 with pagination
$videoSessionsJuly2018 = $client->analyticsVideo->search($video->videoId, '2018-07', array(), array('currentPage' => 1, 'pageSize' => 100));

// Get video session events for a sessionId
$videoSessionEvents = $client->analyticsSessionEvents->get($videoSessions[0]->session->sessionId);

// List video player sessions 
$liveSessions = $client->analyticsLive->search($liveStream->liveStreamId);
// List video player sessions for the month of July 2018 with pagination
$liveSessionsJuly2018 = $client->analyticsLive->search($video->videoId, '2018-07', array(), array('currentPage' => 1, 'pageSize' => 100));

// Get video session events for a sessionId
$liveSessionEvents = $client->analyticsSessionEvents->get($liveSessions[0]->session->sessionId);

// Generate a token for delegated upload
$token = $client->tokens->generate();

 *         VIDEO                 *
// Show a video

// List or search videos
$client->videos->search($parameters = array(), $callback = null);

// Create video properties
$client->videos->create($title, $properties = array());

// Upload a video media file
// Create a video, if videoId is null
$client->videos->upload($source, $properties = array(), $videoId = null);

// Create a video by downloading it from a third party
$client->videos->download($source, $title, $properties = array());

// Update video properties
$client->videos->update($videoId, $properties = array());

// Set video public

// Set video private

// Delete video (file and data)

// Get last video request Error

// Delegated upload (generate a token for someone to upload a video into your account)
$token = $client->tokens->generate(); // string(3): "xyz"
// ...then upload from anywhere without authentication:
// $ curl -F [email protected]

 *         VIDEO THUMBNAIL       *

// Upload a thumbnail for video
$client->videos->uploadThumbnail($source, $videoId);

// Update video's thumbnail by picking timecode
$client->videos->updateThumbnailWithTimeCode($videoId, $timecode);

// Get last video request Error

 *         VIDEO CAPTIONS        *

// Get caption for a video
$client->captions->get($videoId, $language);

// Get all captions for a video

// Upload a caption file for a video (.vtt)
$client->captions->upload($source, $properties = array());

// Set default caption for a video
$client->captions->updateDefault($videoId, $language, $isDefault);

// Delete video's caption
$client->captions->delete($videoId, $language);

// Get last video captions request Error

 *         VIDEO CHAPTERS        *

// Get chapter for a video
$client->chapters->get($videoId, $language);

// Get all chapters for a video

// Upload a chapter file for a video (.vtt)
$client->chapters->upload($source, $properties = array());

// Delete video's chapter
$client->chapters->delete($videoId, $language);

// Get last video chapters request Error

 *         PLAYERS               *

// Get a player

// List players
$client->players->search($parameters = array(), $callback = null);

// Create a player
$client->players->create($properties = array());

// Update player's properties
$client->players->update($playerId, $properties);

// Upload player logo
$client->players->uploadLogo('/path/to/logo.png', $playerId, '');

// Delete a logo

// Delete a player

// Get last players request Error

 *         LIVE                 *

// Show a live

// List or search lives
$client->lives->search($parameters = array(), $callback = null);

// Create live properties
$client->lives->create($name, $properties = array());

// Update live properties
$client->lives->update($liveStreamId, $properties = array());

// Set live public

// Set live private

// Delete live (file and data)

// Get last live request Error

 *         LIVE THUMBNAIL       *

// Upload a thumbnail for live
$client->lives->uploadThumbnail($source, $liveStreamId);

 *         ANALYTICS             *

// Search videos analytics between period, filter with tags or metadata
$client->analyticsVideo->search($videoId, $period, $metadata, $parameters);

// Get last video analytics request Error

// Search live stream analytics between period, filter with tags or metadata
$client->analyticsLive->search($liveStreamId, $period, $parameters);

// Get last live analytics request Error

// Get session events analytics
$client->analyticsSessionEvents->search($sessionId, $parameters);

// Get last sesion events analytics request Error
