PHP code example of apetab / vbot-server

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download apetab/vbot-server library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


apetab / vbot-server example snippets

use Vbot\WebServer\WebServer;

   'path'     => $path,
    * workerman 配置项(主动发消息)
    'workerman' => [
        'mode' => 'web', // 可选配置 web/console
        'ip' => '',
        'port' => 8866
    * 下载配置项
   'download' => [
       'image'         => true,
       'voice'         => true,
       'video'         => true,
       'emoticon'      => true,
       'file'          => true,
       'emoticon_path' => $path.'emoticons', // 表情库路径(PS:表情库为过滤后不重复的表情文件夹)
    * 输出配置项
   'console' => [
       'output'  => true, // 是否输出
       'message' => true, // 是否输出接收消息 (若上面为 false 此处无效)
    * 日志配置项
   'log'      => [
       'level'         => 'debug',
       'permission'    => 0777,
       'system'        => $path.'log', // 系统报错日志
       'message'       => $path.'log', // 消息日志
    * 缓存配置项
   'cache' => [
       'default' => 'file', // 缓存设置 (支持 redis 或 file)
       'stores'  => [
           'file' => [
               'driver' => 'file',
               'path'   => $path.'cache',
           'redis' => [
               'driver'     => 'redis',
               'connection' => 'default',
    * 拓展配置
    * ==============================
    * 如果加载拓展则必须加载此配置项
   'extension' => [
       // 管理员配置(必选),优先加载 remark_name
       'admin' => [
           'remark'   => '',
           'nickname' => '',

$vbot = new Hanson\Vbot\Foundation\Vbot($options);

$vbot->messageHandler->setHandler(function ($message) {
  Hanson\Vbot\Message\Text::send($message['from']['UserName'], 'Hi, I\'m Vbot!');
