PHP code example of anyitsolutions / neo4j-bolt

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download anyitsolutions/neo4j-bolt library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


anyitsolutions / neo4j-bolt example snippets

use GraphAware\Bolt\GraphDatabase;

$driver = GraphDatabase::driver("bolt://localhost");
$session = $driver->session();

$session = $driver->session();
$session->run("CREATE (n)");

// with parameters :

$session->run("CREATE (n) SET n += {props}", ['name' => 'Mike', 'age' => 27]);

use GraphAware\Common\Collections;

        $query = 'MERGE (n:User {id: {id} }) 
        WITH n
        UNWIND {friends} AS friend
        MERGE (f:User {id:})
        MERGE (f)-[:KNOWS]->(n)';

        $params = ['id' => 'me', 'friends' => Collections::asList([])];
        $this->getSession()->run($query, $params);
// Or

        $query = 'MERGE (n:User {id: {id} }) 
        WITH n
        UNWIND {friends}.users AS friend
        MERGE (f:User {id:})
        MERGE (f)-[:KNOWS]->(n)';

        $params = ['id' => 'me', 'friends' => Collections::asMap([])];
        $this->getSession()->run($query, $params);

$config = \GraphAware\Bolt\Configuration::newInstance()
    ->withCredentials('bolttest', 'L7n7SfTSj0e6U')

$driver = \GraphAware\Bolt\GraphDatabase::driver('bolt://', $config);
$session = $driver->session();