PHP code example of anvilm / rcon

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download anvilm/rcon library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


anvilm / rcon example snippets

use AnvilM\RCON\RCON;

$Ip = ''; //Server IP
$Port = 25575; //RCON port
$Password = '123'; //RCON password
$Timeout = 30; //Timeout in ms 

$RCON = new RCON($Ip, $Port, $Password, $Timeout);

use AnvilM\RCON\RCON;


$RCON->sendCommand('time set day');

use AnvilM\RCON\RCON;


$Response = $RCON->ResponseService->getAllResponses();

use AnvilM\RCON\RCON;


$Response = $RCON->ResponseService->getLastResponse();

use AnvilM\RCON\RCON;


$Response = $RCON->ResponseService->getResponse(3);

namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use AnvilM\RCON\RCON;

class RCONController extends Controller
    public function setDay()
        $Ip = ''; //Server IP
        $Port = 25575; //RCON port
        $Password = '123'; //RCON password
        $Timeout = 30; //Timeout in ms 

        $RCON = new RCON($Ip, $Port, $Password, $Timeout); //Create connection

        $RCON->sendCommand('time set day'); //Send command

        $Response = $RCON->ResponseService->getLastResponse(); //Get last response

        echo $Response;