PHP code example of anteris-dev / os-helper

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download anteris-dev/os-helper library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


anteris-dev / os-helper example snippets

use Anteris\Helper\OS;

if ( OS::isLinux() ) {
    echo 'Running on Linux!';

if ( OS::isMacOs() ) {
    echo 'Running on Mac!';

if ( OS::isWindows() ) {
    echo 'Running on Windows!';

use Anteris\Helper\OS;

OS::ifLinux(function () {
    echo 'Running on Linux!';

OS::ifMacOs(function () {
    echo 'Running on Mac!';

Os::ifWindows(function () {
    echo 'Running on Windows!';

use Anteris\Helper\OS;

// On a Mac machine, this would output: Mac OS

echo OS::name();

use Anteris\Helper\OS;

// On a Mac machine, this would output: macos

echo OS::shortName();